Sweet ceramic from awhile ago
Monday, March 28, 2011
Every time I pick up this little container -- I use it for flowers -- I rub my hand over the glaze. It has a soft, warm texture. Matte. I still like it, but I have to keep putting things out. The past couple of months I have been going to thrift stores and coming home with more treasures. It's my entertainment, my stress release. But I'm filling up too much of the space I regained after all the discarding of the past couple years. Still seeking balance.

I have a girl crush on Judge Judy
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
She is so fabulous! I wish I had her ability to call people out on their BS. Nothing to do with today's post, just happen to be listening to her on the TV while I'm writing this. I'm at the stage now where I am getting rid of things I really like. This fluted vase is part of a small collection of green ceramic vases that are arranged on a shelf in the kitchen. My mom was supposed to come for a longish visit and maybe do a flea market table with me while she was here, but those plans fell through. I am still putting together a flea market box though. Perhaps I can convince a friend to rent a table with me. The swiss chard was the last harvest before we had snow and several days of -5 to -10 degrees. It's warmer now, but that was the end of many of the veggies.

Flower basket
Friday, May 14, 2010
This morning I have a break from volunteering at the book sale. I was tempted to post books again, but I'll do that in a couple of days. I'm getting rid of more books to make room for some new ones from the sale. After a week of sorting, I realize that the books I donated weren't in very good shape and might have gone straight to poundage. Although I did see The Female Eunuch — first in fiction, then in history. Who knows where it ended up. Today's discard is a wee flower holder with a frog. The frog is why I have kept it for so long. It's too small to be very practical though — I've put a quarter beside it for scale. I had plans to smash the holder and have the frog as a separate thing to use in other vases, but I have other frogs, and perhaps someone else will like this the way it is.

Poetry and pub night = missed post
Saturday, November 21, 2009
After Planet Earth Poetry last night — Wendy Morton launched her fabulous new book "What Were Their Dreams" — I went to the pub with a few poets. I am usually tucked into my bed by 10, but it was midnight before I got home last night. So here are two items. One is a green vase, about 7 inches tall, part of my green ceramic vase collection. I bought it at a thrift sale or yard sale, can't remember which. I have never put flowers in it, there were always other vases I reached for first. So it can go. The second item I picked up from a "free" box on someone's front lawn. I thought it was a banana holder. Something is obviously meant to hang from the hook part, but a bunch of bananas it is not. We tried.

Rearrangment floral arranger
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I don't have a table large enough to use this as a centrepiece. I have used the rectangular containers on their own to hold flowers, but have never used all the pieces as one unit. I don't know where I will get rid of this, perhaps the household consignment store. At one point I gave it away to a friend, but she didn't use it either, so she gave it back to me when she was decluttering. This time I will make sure it goes away never to return.

What a crock, or three
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I envisioned a row of fresh-picked garden flower arrangements in these three small white crocks. But things have got to go. And as much as I like a series of similar objects, I am willing to part with these.

Just right for a single old fashioned rose
Friday, June 26, 2009
My friend is going to visit someone in the hospital and didn’t want to take a huge bouquet. So I found another little flower holder I am happy to give away. It’s only about 4 in high. Perfect for flowers fresh from the garden. Random flower is a rose I bought at the Government House plant sale a few years ago. The same rose graces the beautiful gardens there. (I won’t be blogging again til after the weekend. Hope it’s nice and sunny and warm where you are.)

The vase not the cat
Friday, April 10, 2009
I’m getting tough with myself now and going through my vases again. I really like the frosted glass on this one, it’s heavy and holds a single big flower very well. Oh well. I know I can’t just get rid of obsolete and useless things, I’m going to have to get rid of things I like too. Things I have enjoyed using. (Barger always gets curious when I take out the camera and goes to sniff whatever I’m setting up.)

Quartetto obsoleto
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
I’m not going to have access to my blog for a few days so I’m posting for four days now.
I still have a VHS player and I still tape TV shows, but why do I need to protect the tapes in plastic cases? I don’t. I can’t be bothered to put the tapes back into the cases anyway. So three of them are off to recycling — the three I came across this week.

Another vase. It’s plastic, so it tips over easily. Not as pretty as my glass ones. Into the Sally Ann box.

Cat toy that the cats easily ripped off a scratching post and haven’t played with since. There are cat toys all over the place that they do have fun with. This one was fine for batting at when it was suspended, but I think it’s too heavy for them to bat around on the floor.

My friend was over and saw my get-rid-of pile of books near the front door. This one caught her eye. I wouldn’t let her leave with it until I’d taken a photo of it for the blog. I usually cook without recipes now.

I still have a VHS player and I still tape TV shows, but why do I need to protect the tapes in plastic cases? I don’t. I can’t be bothered to put the tapes back into the cases anyway. So three of them are off to recycling — the three I came across this week.

Another vase. It’s plastic, so it tips over easily. Not as pretty as my glass ones. Into the Sally Ann box.

Cat toy that the cats easily ripped off a scratching post and haven’t played with since. There are cat toys all over the place that they do have fun with. This one was fine for batting at when it was suspended, but I think it’s too heavy for them to bat around on the floor.

My friend was over and saw my get-rid-of pile of books near the front door. This one caught her eye. I wouldn’t let her leave with it until I’d taken a photo of it for the blog. I usually cook without recipes now.

There aren’t enough flowers in the world
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
I have a vast collection of vases, all manner of shapes and sizes, in glass, porcelain, ceramic and plastic. I saw this vase one day at a thrift store but wasn’t immediately smitten, so I didn’t buy it. When it was still there a couple of weeks later I ended up taking it home. It’s lovely with daisies or rudbekia. It’s also the perfect size and shape to hold paintbrushes, about 5in high and 3in across.

I have vase to make you talk
Saturday, January 03, 2009
I collect little vases. I like this shape. At the moment I have a small collection of green vases in this or a similar shape. I’m going to stick with green, so this one goes.