random flowers
Sort of looks like an owl face
Sunday, April 18, 2010
I spent the past week on a big creative project. I'll post photos soon. Beads and jewels and gold metallic wire. Handmade papers. Anyway, here's something that doesn't take up much room, but something I will never wear. My husband brought it back home from a business trip to New Brunswick — someone gave it to him as a souvenir. I know a kid who might be collecting pins. I'll see if he wants it. Random flowers are orchids that outlasted their original bouquet. If you want fabulous flowers, you'll be wanting to talk to Tracy at Garden Gate Floral Services in Saanich 250-508-3194. She's amazing!

Ding dong
Thursday, December 03, 2009
My mother was an Avon lady. For years and years. Every elementary school teacher would get an Avon product for Christmas and as thank you presents. I don't have much Avon left in my possession. These bathroom accessories don't fit in with the decor in either bathroom in the house we're in now. I was putting spare change in the soap dish for awhile, but both pieces have been out of sight in a cupboard for the past couple of years. Don't want them any more.

Vintage stapler
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I have been keeping this just to look at. I picked it up from a box of free stuff down the street about a couple of years ago. It was jammed and wouldn't work anymore, but I thought I could bend it back into working condition. I couldn't. It's a beautiful object, the metal finish is very cool. It looks good next to my retro metal office fan. That may have to go too by the end of this project. Anyway, bye bye stapler. They don't make 'em like this anymore. Random flower is a dahlia. Someone else's garden.

Getting the grey out
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I used to wear this tunic/top to work or to go out at night. It's very comfortable, but it doesn't fit the "What not to wear" rules for my shape. Sadly, I am letting it go. I don't know what the random flower is called. It's not in my garden, but it caught my eye. Nice fall colour.

A lot of late nights
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I would read Minette Walters til I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. It wouldn't have occurred to me before this project started to ever get rid of any of her titles, but I want fewer things. I have so many other books to read for the first time, I can't imagine myself going back to read hers for a second. Good as they are. This rose is in someone else's garden. Yes, there are still roses here in October, though an unexpected frost did cause some damage to a few remaining veggies. I'm watching two downy woodpeckers on the suet, and a towhee. The towhee has been around for a few days, but now he has no tail feathers at all! A cat must have attacked him. He's still hopping around looking for food, so the rest of him appears uninjured. I am adamant that people in the city should keep their cats indoors. The cats live longer and so do the songbirds.

Too brittle
Sunday, October 04, 2009
We bought a set of these glass food containers at IKEA a few years ago. Various shapes and sizes. Most of the lids have chipped and have had to be discarded. The containers are thick and heavy. For awhile it was difficult to find food storage containers that weren't plastic, but there are more choices now. We've opted for lighter, more practical designs. This container is about 7" across and at least 6" high. Clunky. Random flower is a hydrangea — can't for the life of me remember the latin name.

Closed on Monday
Monday, September 21, 2009
I had a discussion with someone tonight about how hard it is to give up books. Someone who managed, not without difficulty, to winnow his collection from 3000 books to around 300 when he moved to a smaller place. That is one reason I hope I don't have to move for many years! For me, it's hard to give up books in general. But these in particular I have no problem getting rid of. I went to exchange them for something new today, but I forgot my favourite crime book store is closed on Monday. The Ian Rankin I couldn't finish — it's an early one, pre-Rebus I think. The Sharyn McCrumb was so lightweight it was pretty much transparent. The Stuart Woods (Dirt) was a fun read but I'm not going to re-read it. Daniel Kalla is from Vancouver, my old stomping ground, and I'd heard good things about him, so I picked up three books at a sale. I didn't get very far in this one. I will give the other two a try. Tami Hoag is interchangeable with dozens of other crime writers; a bathtub read. Random flowers are Clematis viticella 'Alba Luxurians' and a hydrangea.

Light detritus
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
More stuff from the old shed that I don't want taking up space in the new shed. This fixture came from our downstairs bathroom. We changed the lighting when we put in a new vanity, sink and mirrored cabinet eight years ago. If I haven't found a new place for it in eight years, I doubt I ever will. Random flower is corydalis, from springtime. The blue ones are my favourite. They are delicate, often don't make it through the winter. I will have to plant more next year.

Three in, three out, nets out
Saturday, September 12, 2009
I went to a garage sale at the Arthritis Centre this afternoon, just as they were packing up. Came home with three new books. So here are three going out. I have never read the story about the slave girl; it came from my mother. I remember enjoying Sweet Eyes at the time (1992), and I have at least one other copy of The Handmaid's Tale. The apple blossoms are from an earlier time. We are now eating the meagre harvest. Why do all three of the apple trees take a break the same year?

Firing blanks
Friday, August 28, 2009
When designing and printing a big job, the printer will often make up blank sample books using different paper stock, covers and binding, so the designer can figure out exactly what she wants. These two big books (they are each over an inch thick, nice heavy paper) weren’t from one of my projects, but some fellow designers were sending them to recycling so of course I snagged them, thinking I might give them to my nephews at some point. Tonight I met with someone who has a young son, so I brought them along, hoping the boy might want to use them for writing or sketching. Phew! I didn’t have to bring them home again. Random flowers are a beautiful bouquet I received on my birthday in May from the same friends I got the paper from. Thanks! They were stunning.

Ban this candle
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Another candle holder. I actually was delusional enough to think I might one day take all the beads off the wires and make something else out of the beads. I’m sure it would have taken an hour to cut all the tiny wires, and then I would have had a small container full of beads hanging around for another few years. Best to ditch the whole thing. Random vegetation is from a conifer in May. No idea what kind, but loved the colours.

Old New Scientist
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
It’s not just me getting rid of stuff. I’m so pleased my husband is sorting through his things as well. New Scientist is a weekly magazine. That’s 52 issues every year. My husband has been subscribing since the mid-90s. Do the math. Of course the information is always useful and might be needed for reference. Thank goodness for the internet. New Scientist now has back issues available online. I’ve had an ad up on craigslist to give these issues away, but no response in two weeks. A box of them was also outside on the lawn, but although we saw a couple of people look through the box, I don’t think they took even a single magazine. So today, recycling day, a huge box of these went to the curb. Random flower is a stem of lewisia flowers in a tiny vase.

Fan go
Monday, August 24, 2009
My garden helper took this little fan. Too bad I wasn’t here during the heat wave a few weeks ago to give it to him then. I’m glad I was out of the country, enjoying warm weather that wasn’t extreme. We have two other fans, and I’m thinking of getting one of the tall cylindrical ones next year. The big oscillating one I have now is too powerful and noisy, even on the lowest setting. I have to set it up outside the bedroom, in the hallway, and point it towards the bedroom doorway. Otherwise it’s like being outside on a windy day. This one hasn’t been used in two or three years — can you see the dust on it? Random flower is a Rudbeckia fulgida “Goldsturm.” They are just beginning to bloom. Cheerful and showy, when not much else is flowering.

Sunday, August 23, 2009
This is an extremely old calendar. I forget now for which year. I have always kept it for the pretty poppies. My friend collects ephemera too, so I am happy that she is giving this a new home. Random flower is clematis jackmanii. Most of the blossoms are fading now, but the vine was loaded this year. Spectacular. Short post because the final between Federer and Djokovic has just started. I think I will pour a wee drink and enjoy the match.

Know when to fold ’em
Saturday, August 22, 2009
I have gotten rid of enough magazines (and more to go) that I no longer need these magazine holders. Anyone want the first two and a half years of InStyle magazine? Including the prototype issue with Kirstie Alley on the cover and the first official issue with Barbra Streisand on the front? How about a couple of years of Utne Reader. New Scientist? Just ask. My friend is setting up a new home office, so she took the magazine holders. Random flower is impatiens from a shady side bed.

So maybe I'll die a little sooner
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I have leafed through this book but haven’t really read it. My bad. It was published about 20 years ago, so perhaps some of the information is now obsolete. I’ve got the internet if I really want to know how much potassium I need, or if royal jelly cures anything. I take every supplement under the sun and then some, but I’m pretty sure I’ll keel over right on genetic schedule despite the boost. The name of this plant/flower escapes me at the moment. Starts with p.

Taking a stab at the mess
Friday, July 24, 2009
I thought I would remember how things came to be in my possession, but I don’t recall acquiring this knife. That could mean it came in with the husband. I haven’t ever used it. Found it at the bottom of a kitchen drawer. It has a bone handle. It has been honed many, many, many times. Random flower is a new clematis I planted last fall. The name is on the tag out in the pot, I don’t know it offhand.

Striped shirt I really like
Thursday, July 23, 2009
But it doesn’t suit me anymore. It’s a man’s shirt, but it looked ok on me when I was thinner. I even went through a stage of wearing ties when I had on a shirt like this one. Jeans. Shirt and tie. I wouldn’t have bought a United Colors of Benetton shirt new, so I must have snagged it at a thrift store or at a costume sale after a movie wrapped. I got fabulous clothes once when a Spelling series went off the air and the wardrobe for a couple of seasons was sold off. One of the benefits of living in Vancouver – a lot of TV movies made and a lot of stuff left over when the movies wrapped. Random flower is a big red poppy.

Haven't posted CDs for awhile
Sunday, July 19, 2009
These came with the husband. He realized he hadn’t played them in the last decade, so he agreed to part with them. Random flower is another daylily that is out right now.

Livres en français
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Well, two of them anyway. More books to my friend who does papercraft and cuts up old books to make art. These books were in a box of free stuff I passed on the way to a coffee shop in my neighbourhood. It was only about 3 weeks from the time I picked them up to the time they left the house. Not bad. Random flower is a day lily from a flower bed in the front yard.

Over the bowl
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Can’t remember where I got this. Haven’t ever really used it. It’s been on a shelf in my sideboard. Don’t need it. It is now in the donation box, which I’ll take away once it is full. If you want it, it’s yours. About 7in across. Random flower is a climbing red rose.

Someone else can phone home
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I picked this up at a yard sale for $5 as a replacement phone, but even though it works, the display has a defect through the centre of the letters and numbers, making it too hard to read. Didn’t find out about that until the phone was charged up. I stuck it out in a box, marked it free, and it went a day later. At least I put a note on it warning about the display. Whoever took it had fair warning. Random flowers are peonies from my yard. The pale one is Sarah Bernhardt.

If it’s Friday it must be another pair of shoes
Friday, July 10, 2009
Might as well continue the trend for another Friday. I wore these for a summer or two. Every one did. Now I rarely see anyone with this style. No arch support whatsoever. We’ve all figured out we need proper casual shoes. Random flowers are from the garden. Pretty little orange wallflowers and a bloom from a red verbena. Putting them in very small vases plays with the scale, makes the flowers look much larger than they really are.

If it’s Wednesday it must be more candleholders
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
These look almost like another pair I got rid of. I used to burn candles almost every night, but my husband is worried about lead in wicks and breathing in emissions or whatever. I have to burn them when he is out of town. So I don’t need dozens of candle holders. These have joined the thousands of other candle holders lining the shelves at the Salvation Army. Don’t know the name of the little white flowers. They come up in the spring.

French manicure
Monday, July 06, 2009
I rarely put on regular nail polish much less go through all the steps required for a French manicure. I’ve had precisely one French manicure in my whole life and it was on April 17, 1988. Professionally done, not with the polish in these bottles. A friend gave these to me when she moved three years ago, and I have never used them. Random flower is a white delphinium in the back yard.

Ice the t’s
Saturday, July 04, 2009
I was positive these came in with my husband and his belongings when we merged our stuff, but he says no, so I can only assume this is detritus from a previous ex that got missed in the shuffle. Two 1994 Canucks t-shirts. I don’t watch hockey. The only sport I follow is tennis. Love the grunting. Anyway, these were part of the big pile of clothes that went off to Big Brothers Big Sisters. I suppose I could have taken one photo of a huge pile of clothing, but this way I can cover a few more days and write about individual items. I didn’t even want to keep these as rags. Random flower is an iceberg climbing rose that goes up and over our back deck.

This cat didn't come back
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Here’s a hard one. My brother gave me this cat. It peered over my bookshelf for many years. It fell a couple of times — I reglued the tail and you can see a little chip off one ear. I thought it would be appropriate to donate it to the cat rescue thrift sale. There was a whole table of cat knick knacks there. I don’t know if anyone adopted it or not. Sorry bro, it did have some sentimental value because it was a present from you, but I have a photo of it and the memory that you thought of me and gave me a little cat. Thanks! Random flower(s) are a climbing rose from my garden and a blue geranium.

Just right for a single old fashioned rose
Friday, June 26, 2009
My friend is going to visit someone in the hospital and didn’t want to take a huge bouquet. So I found another little flower holder I am happy to give away. It’s only about 4 in high. Perfect for flowers fresh from the garden. Random flower is a rose I bought at the Government House plant sale a few years ago. The same rose graces the beautiful gardens there. (I won’t be blogging again til after the weekend. Hope it’s nice and sunny and warm where you are.)

A little bit country
Friday, June 19, 2009
I donated these to the cat rescue sale last week. I think they were review copies sent to a paper I worked for once in awhile many years ago. I used to listen to a country station in the late 80s, but not anymore. Random flower is an amaryllis that rebloomed for me this spring.

Cart wheels
Friday, June 12, 2009
Another project. Just needed a paint job. Thought I could put something on top of this. Another object left out on the front lawn with a “free” sign on it. I see the neigbourhood kids playing with it in their yard a few houses down now. Random flower is a poppy in the side yard.

Not a lampshade
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I thought this might be a cool lampshade, but someone said it went over the neck of a big wine container. Whatever it is, it is no longer taking up space in my place. It’s on its way to the Victoria Cat Rescue white elephant sale this weekend. If they won’t take it, I will compost it. It’s just wicker. Random flower is Dicentra spectabilis. I have several in the garden, though my Dicentra alba is my favourite.

Out, out brief candle holders
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
I don’t like these anymore. Don’t know if I ever liked them. Am positive I bought them at a thrift store or yard sale. No pain. Random flower is a parrot tulip sharing a vase with a stem of Hebe hulkeana flowers.

So simple
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Thank goodness my husband has never actually played The Best of ZZ Top since we’ve been together. These two cds actually sold at the yard sale. Still stuck with the country ones that I’ll post about later. Simple Minds was his too. Random flower is Buddleia globosa, my favourite of the buddleias.

Pinkie teacup
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
I’ve decided to get rid of my pink glassware and only collect clear or green. This isn’t old. It’s a sweet little teacup, but as a practical object, it’s too small for me — I drink from big mugs so I don’t have to refill as many times. As something pretty on a shelf in my sideboard it was nice for awhile. Random flower is giant allium.

Not my style anymore
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
But just right for the woman wearing bright red Naots, a red hat and plastic globe earrings. She bought it for $1 at the yard sale. Random flower is a foxglove from a path near Comox.

Green light
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
This lamp did not sell in the yard sale. I bought it at auction for $2 about 5 years ago, but never found the right place for it, nor the right shade. Plus, husband didn’t like it, so it stayed upstairs in a corner of the lab. It was out on the street for a couple of days, with a “free” sign on it. We watched one evening as a woman got out of her car, picked it up and took it over to her trunk...oh the anticipation. But she changed her mind, put the lamp back on the driveway and drove away. Yesterday, the postman rang the doorbell and asked if I could put the lamp aside until he finished his route; he was planning to come back for it. And he did. I love this combination of purple heuchera with the white hellebore.

More books
Thursday, May 28, 2009
This is getting easier. I have been going through the bookshelves with a different mindset and am able to find two or three books at a time that I can part with. I don’t remember where the Stan Persky book came from – I got a few boxes of books from a friend of friend once, mostly reading texts from university courses on English lit and media studies. Or this could have come with the husband. The Stanley Elkin book came in when I was subscribed to a book club which would send me a book in the mail every month unless I sent in paperwork ahead of time saying I didn’t want it. Remember those days? The one cent books, get ten cds for one penny...anyway, I never would have picked Mrs. Ted Bliss out for myself, but I did read it after I had no choice but to pay for it and keep it. Hmmm. That was fourteen years ago. Random flowers are more pansies.

Suck it up
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
We used to live in an apartment with wall to wall carpeting everywhere. Now we only have carpet up the stairs. So we haven’t used this vacuum in over 10 years. It still works really well, and we even have some bags left. The vacuum has been stored in back behind the hot water heater this whole time, so it hasn’t taken up much useable space. Sort of forgot it was there. I’ll see if someone buys it at the yard sale. Random flower is a rhodo next to some of my favourite variegated grass.

Shift delete
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
This is too short to wear on its own as a shift — I did once upon a time wear it, but it must have shrunk, because it’s way too high now. Too long to wear over pants. Nice cotton fabric. If I was into quilting I would keep it and cut it up. Good news: the white cabinet (May 18) vanished from the front lawn today. Sometimes it takes awhile. Random flower is Ceanothus victoria peeking out between slats of a fence.

Cut the lawn chairs
Monday, May 25, 2009
I love it when something I’ve put on the front lawn disappears in a day or two. Slap a “free” sign on it and eventually someone takes it away, although the white cabinet from May 18 is still sitting there, waiting for a new home. (It hasn’t been out there the whole time, we had bad weather for a few days). But these chairs, which need repair and new fabric, went in less than 36 hours. Another project I realized I will never get around to, even though I like the old wooden style. Ah well, I don’t have time to sit in the garden anyway. I’m either watering or weeding or picking flowers or taking the cats for supervised visits to the front and back yards. They walk around, eat lots of grass, throw up, roll on the pathway, sniff around for dog poop (bad neighbours!) and then we take them back inside for their next long nap. Random flower is an amaryllis that went dormant after its first bloom. I replanted it and for some reason it popped out flowers without sending up the usual long stem. I am curious to see if leaves are on the way. Stumpy.

Ahhh Lara
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I remembered the name Lara Fabian from a long time ago, when my brother recommended her. So when I saw these cds recently at a thrift sale, I bought them. Listened to them a couple of times, but she’s not to my taste. Very easy listening, but I’d rather listen to my other music. Random flowers are some gorgeous, fragrant white lilacs brought to me by a friend.

Pitching the patchwork
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Evidently I had such a good time yesterday I came home and forgot to post something. Today’s item is a quilt I am putting in my friend’s yard sale, which has been moved to next weekend. I remember the quilt was on sale for a pittance (for handstitching) and I liked the pattern so much I actually bought two. Gave one to my mother years ago. Now this one can go away too. Random flower is a little iris that didn’t do so well over the winter. When I bought the clump last year there were over 20 iris, about 5 of them came back up this spring.

Corpse d’Esprit
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I certainly didn’t buy these jeans new. They would have come from a thrift store. But they are tapered and Trini and Susannah tell me I am too old and have the wrong shape to wear tapered jeans. So someone else can have the Esprits. Sigh. They don’t fit anyway. I found a couple of other pairs I can live without. Random flower is a newly acquired aquilegia I couldn’t resist.

Bag it and tag it
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Of all the things I’ve posted since January 1, I have only put a few in the trash. An old cat toy, a scrunchie, one suitcase, shoulder pads, chapsticks, two pairs of polyester socks that I can’t use as rags and maybe a couple of other things. I really wanted to spray this old duffel bag down with the garden hose and recycle it, but after hanging in the shed for 10 years and likely housing a rat family or two during that time, it is not only dirty, but all the metal bits have rusted and there is mold inside. So it went out with the city garbage today. Random flowers are pansies in a pot on the front step.

Not cushy at all
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Now that I know I’m participating in a yard sale, I can start posting stuff I was eventually going to try to sell on craigslist. Throwing it on a table on my friend’s lawn seems less hassle than writing an ad and fielding emails. This cushion, which heats up and vibrates a bit in an attempt to mimic a massage also has a port to plug in an mp3 player and speakers to blast out the sound. My husband received it as his Christmas present at a corporate party two years ago. There were lots of wrapped gifts under a tree and each employee went up to select one when their name was called. It soon became obvious there were only three variations of box sizes, and indeed, each box of a certain size held the same gift. I figured out pretty quickly which shape resulted in the home version of a chocolate fondue fountain and told my guy to pick anything but that! Ended up with the Homedics MP# Cush music playing 5 motor massage seat, with heat. I took it out of the box to make sure it works, but I prefer a massage from a real live person. If I want heat, I take a long, hot bath. It’s quieter. Random flower is Brunnera macrophylla “Jack Frost.”

Empty cabinet
Monday, May 18, 2009
This was up in my husband’s lab. He painted the inside black, put a bunch of holes in it, screwed some metal and plates into it and used it to house an experiment. (Don’t know the details — in his spare time he’s into quantum physics, he has a lab, he gets strange packages in the mail, he does experiments.) The experiment is over, he doesn’t need this anymore. And he’s willing to part with it. Normally I would have kept it out in the shed and used it for storage, but since we have to rebuild the shed, I’m trying to empty that out too. I put this cabinet out on the lawn today to see if anyone would take it, but then it started to pour, so I’ll try again on the next sunny afternoon. Random flower is a variegated aquilegia.

Take two and call me in the morning
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I have found a place to recycle pill bottles. Apparently they are used to package medicine for third world countries. Of course I have a huge stash of them, just like I still have a stash of film containers. Very useful to store small items such as beads and screws and seeds from and for the garden. While I don’t get any new film containers any more, I still do get pill bottles. Why are they called bottles when they are plastic? Random garden shot is Lewisia cotyledon in a couple of colour variations. I lost three of these plants this winter, but as you can see, the rest are doing very well.

I love your poetry Susan, but...
Saturday, May 02, 2009
I have not been able to bring myself to read this book. Not that I don’t enjoy and even seek out on occasion dark subject matter. Just haven’t ever been in the right mood for this story. A friend was intrigued though, so I gave it to her. (Cargo of Orchids, Susan Musgrave, 2000)
A very happy azalea.

A very happy azalea.

The headsets are multiplying
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Where do they come from? Found another two pairs of headsets that aren’t as good as the ear buds I’m using now. I don’t even want them as backup pairs. I still have a fairly comfortable set in the drawer that I try to remember to take when I travel by plane. That can be my spare pair.
I’m going to add random flower shots to this blog. The garden is starting to enter its most beautiful time of year. The tulips are from my cutting garden. The bulbs were planted last fall, so this is the first spring I get to see what they really look like. They are lasting for days and days as cut flowers.

I’m going to add random flower shots to this blog. The garden is starting to enter its most beautiful time of year. The tulips are from my cutting garden. The bulbs were planted last fall, so this is the first spring I get to see what they really look like. They are lasting for days and days as cut flowers.