UTNE rhymes with chutney?
Friday, February 12, 2010
Never did know how to pronounce it properly. 27 magazines from 1995 to 2000. I'm sure some of the articles are still relevant. I took a quick look through and pulled out 2 with cover stories that caught my interest. "Wild at Heart: How pets make us human" and "The Trouble with Romance: Why our search for true love misses the mark." I know, I should have left them in the pile too, but I'll throw them on the bathroom floor and see if I have time to leaf through them. I posted the 27 on craigslist as a free giveaway. If no one wants them, I will donate them somewhere.

Chit chat
Friday, January 22, 2010
I have a stack of these Home Chat magazines from the 30s. I'm ready to get rid of them. My mom wanted to take them all, but she really doesn't need more stuff either. We compromised — she took two with her when she left and I can do as I wish with the remaining issues. She remarked on the advertisements in the magazines. Many products and companies are still around today. The two she took have my favourite covers.

Double up
Saturday, October 03, 2009
I can't seem to manage posting on a Friday. I go to regular poetry readings on Friday nights, and when I get home I just can't switch gears and write about my junk. These little glass bowls all start to look the same after awhile. I collect them in ones or pairs or threes (my favourite) at yard sales and put them in the sideboard. The sideboard has glass doors on it, so I can see the collection whenever I walk by. Plus I have various glass bowls and square dishes in front of my books on bookcase shelves. I want to whittle down to the ones I like the most. This one can go. The magazine is from the '60s. I sold it for a whopping $5. Convinced a guy it was worth it just to put it on his coffee that night for a party he was giving. I tried to read the articles — no offense to writers who were making a living back then, but despite the provocative headlines, the magazine was unreadable. My favourite headline is "Can retarded sex development be cured?" At most a conversation piece.

Old New Scientist
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
It’s not just me getting rid of stuff. I’m so pleased my husband is sorting through his things as well. New Scientist is a weekly magazine. That’s 52 issues every year. My husband has been subscribing since the mid-90s. Do the math. Of course the information is always useful and might be needed for reference. Thank goodness for the internet. New Scientist now has back issues available online. I’ve had an ad up on craigslist to give these issues away, but no response in two weeks. A box of them was also outside on the lawn, but although we saw a couple of people look through the box, I don’t think they took even a single magazine. So today, recycling day, a huge box of these went to the curb. Random flower is a stem of lewisia flowers in a tiny vase.

Thursday, April 16, 2009
My friend gave me a subscription to Saltscapes, which I enjoyed reading. I spent many childhood summers in Nova Scotia and this was a lovely reminder of the Maritimes. My inclination is to save magazines, but I am learning to resist. These have now been passed on to my mom (who I hope doesn’t keep them when she’s finished with them).

How does your garden grow?
Saturday, January 24, 2009
I posted my first ad on Craigslist last week. I thought I might get a couple of bucks for some old magazines. Seven Organic Gardening mags from 1989 and 1990. They sold this morning and have left the house. Another $3 for Kenya.