Think inside the box
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Might not look like much, but there are lots and lots of little things inside the box about to wing their way across the continent. I can't show photos because it's a Christmas box with presents for people who happen to regularly read my blog. It would not be proper to show them ahead of time what's on the way. A few of the things inside the box are things I've had and enjoyed and am ready to send to a new home, so they count for this project. I'm not much one for going out and buying presents just because it's the season. If I see something during the year that I think someone would like, I buy it and give it to them the next time I see them. If Christmas rolls around and I don't have anything....too bad.

Going postal
Monday, January 19, 2009
This might not look like I’m getting rid of anything in particular, but these three packages are the culmination of many months of “collecting” presents for friends and family. For my niece and nephews I pick up books throughout the year that I think they would like, mostly from yard sales and second hand stores. For friends, I keep a lookout for things I know they collect. Inside these boxes are more than 33 individual items! So this is a great day for me, for having finally (partially) cleared out the gift drawers. For E.S. who reads this blog — your Christmas parcel is now officially in the mail. (the cat stays)