building supplies
It's Easter weekend, I have other things to do
Sunday, April 04, 2010
A blouse I think is a pretty colour but is too long and smock-y for me. Some of those episodes of What Not To Wear are sinking in. I'm going to see my mother tomorrow. See if she wants it.
The light fixture is from the kitchen, where we replaced it many years ago. The sort of thing that is still useful and sits on a shelf in the storage room. The now overflowing onto the floor of the storage room sort of stuff.
Don't know what happened to the warmish weather we were getting last week. Huge wind storm -- we lost power on Friday. I thought it might snow, it was so cold. I have a massive brugmansia overwintering in the family room that I would like to put outside, but it's obviously still too unpredictable out there. Tulips are up, about to bloom.

The light fixture is from the kitchen, where we replaced it many years ago. The sort of thing that is still useful and sits on a shelf in the storage room. The now overflowing onto the floor of the storage room sort of stuff.
Don't know what happened to the warmish weather we were getting last week. Huge wind storm -- we lost power on Friday. I thought it might snow, it was so cold. I have a massive brugmansia overwintering in the family room that I would like to put outside, but it's obviously still too unpredictable out there. Tulips are up, about to bloom.

Light detritus
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
More stuff from the old shed that I don't want taking up space in the new shed. This fixture came from our downstairs bathroom. We changed the lighting when we put in a new vanity, sink and mirrored cabinet eight years ago. If I haven't found a new place for it in eight years, I doubt I ever will. Random flower is corydalis, from springtime. The blue ones are my favourite. They are delicate, often don't make it through the winter. I will have to plant more next year.

Drawing the lino
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Continuing on the theme of renovations. When we moved into our house 11 years ago the previous owners left some extra lino for patching. We did end up using some of it a couple of years later — the problem was that the scraps had shrunk from not being glued down, and when we patched the floor after fixing up the kitchen it was (and still is) very obvious because the squares no longer lined up properly. Never redo a kitchen without redoing the floor! Patching lino sure didn’t work for us. Ah well, we’ve lived with it a long time and will probably continue to live with it for another year. But there’s no way I’m keeping these pieces of lino around any longer. Random animal is my friend’s dog Lucy in her new wheelchair. She just stands in it and glares most of the time, but there’s hope yet. (For my Mom who keeps asking how Lucy is doing.)

Four for nine
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
I’ve made it through 8 months! As I look around at a house that is still very cluttered, I’m not worried about finding something for every day of the remaining four months. Today my neighbour’s nephew showed up with his mom to pick up some of his things from my neighbour’s basement. He’s setting up an apartment — I managed to give him an extra toaster (yard sale score for $2 but I replaced it with a better one from a yard sale, also $2) and a brown ceramic bowl that is quite lovely, but I’m at the stage where things I really like have to go too. His mom took the window and screens. The window was taken out from the house when we did renos 10 years ago. It was stored in the shed. The screens are also from renovations. They didn’t fit the new windows. We weren’t able to use this particular window in our new shed, and I don’t feel like storing it for another decade.