Only 258 days til Christmas
Saturday, April 10, 2010
I've put this up on our mantle every Christmas for at least 13 years. Thanks Karen, it's been a lovely decoration all these years. But I'm ready for a change. It will go into the out box for now. If you want it back, just let me know.

Thursday, March 25, 2010
I have had the asparagus steamer (Oct 26) kicking around in the trunk of the car, waiting for me to (finally) take it to a household consignment store. I didn't want to take just one item — it has taken this long to get a box of stuff together. But the store only took 3 of my discards. The asparagus pot, a Denby covered casserole that I forgot to take a photo of, and this signed enamel decorative teacup and saucer. Part of the Charlotte de Vita collection. It's about two inches high, with cat motifs on every side. Quite sweet, but given to me by someone who is no longer a friend, so I'm not interested in looking at it anymore. Which means that in general, the things I surround myself evoke an emotional response as well as having an aesthetic or tactile quality that gives me pleasure. If I no longer like the person who gave me something, the question becomes: Does the aesthetic value outweigh the feeling or lack of feeling I have for the person? Sometimes I can divorce myself from the origin of a thing and enjoy it regardless of its provenance. But not for this little teacup.

Sent a Claus away, away
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Sorry A. I gave your Santa away. Just in time for the season. He will grace someone else's living room or mantel. I'm putting up a tree this year, but that's it. So far we've sent out 7 cards. A few more to go, but they will likely end up as Happy New Year's cards. Tonight is the first party of the season. Our social life is about to become busy. Blog entries about to get shorter — I have to spend time putting on makeup and dress-up clothes. A friend brought us a plum pudding today. Recipe for hard sauce included. Yum.