knick knacks
Two from awhile ago
Monday, June 20, 2011
I gave both of these to a friend some time ago. Forgot to take photos. Just found the old email where she sent pictures she had taken. The reclining woman on the half shell originally came from her. I had it on my bookshelf for more than a year, but decided I had other objects I preferred to look at. I like to change up what is displayed. If I'm going to get rid of something that a friend or my mother gave me, I usually check with them first if they want it back. Since then, my friend has tired of it too, and it went to the Sally Ann. In fact, we were both out on a thrift store crawl of Brentwood Bay a few weeks ago, and there it was amongst the knick knacks for $3.99. The old medicine cabinet is one I have moved and carried around for more than 20 years, but have never hung up on the wall and used. It is solid and very heavy -- too heavy for me to want to deal with anymore. I am trying to limit my acquisitions to items I can pick up and carry by myself. This one is in the "barely" category. Plus, my husband hates it, so that's another good reason to say goodbye.

Sweet ceramic from awhile ago
Monday, March 28, 2011
Every time I pick up this little container -- I use it for flowers -- I rub my hand over the glaze. It has a soft, warm texture. Matte. I still like it, but I have to keep putting things out. The past couple of months I have been going to thrift stores and coming home with more treasures. It's my entertainment, my stress release. But I'm filling up too much of the space I regained after all the discarding of the past couple years. Still seeking balance.

Watch out
Sunday, December 27, 2009
I don't wear a watch anymore. My computer tells me the time. So does the microwave. And my cell phone. I have several watches in drawers somewhere, but the white circular one is the only one I've come across lately. The silver watch belongs to my husband — he doesn't wear it. The white one is windup and still works; the silver one needs a new battery. I prefer windup to battery. I grew up winding my watch every morning, part of the routine of starting the day. I like the sound. I like not having to buy a new battery and not having to dispose of an old one. The recipe box is part of my box collection. Not one of my favourites, so it's easily expendable. (Had a lovely holiday. Lots of dvd watching and the requisite pumpkin pie with whipping cream.)

Black box
Sunday, December 20, 2009
This was a freebie from a store for having purchased X dollars worth of other items. It's a storage box, meant to store 4 x 6 inch photos — the areas on the box lid are to display photos too. I thought I would use it to store something or other, but it has stayed empty for many, many years. I don't have anyone in mind to give this to, so I will put it into the pile for donation.

Something blue
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
A 4in square blue and white tile with a rearing horse. Meant to hang on the wall as decoration. I like the crackled old glaze and chipped corners.

Shoo shoe
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I just got the little drawer unit at the Cat Rescue Christmas sale a couple of weeks ago. I know, I know, but it was for a good cause — and I collect miniature chests of drawers. However, my husband really loathes it, even though I planned on putting a coat of paint on it. I'll put it in the Sally Ann box. The metal shoe is quite heavy, about 4 inches long. Something I've looked at many times, going back and forth on whether or not I wanted to keep it. I thought about putting a trailing succulent in it, using it as a mini-planter. Even checked out all the babies growing on my succulents today, but didn't find anything suitable. Decided not to keep it. Now that it's colder, the cats are loving their cuddlers. Something about that weird synthetic fabric attracts them — it must insulate very well. We've got four cuddlers around the house, and there's usually a cat in at least one of them. I'll snap a photo of when Bear and Mika decide to share. Pretty squishy in there.

If it’s Wednesday it must be more candleholders
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
These look almost like another pair I got rid of. I used to burn candles almost every night, but my husband is worried about lead in wicks and breathing in emissions or whatever. I have to burn them when he is out of town. So I don’t need dozens of candle holders. These have joined the thousands of other candle holders lining the shelves at the Salvation Army. Don’t know the name of the little white flowers. They come up in the spring.

This cat didn't come back
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Here’s a hard one. My brother gave me this cat. It peered over my bookshelf for many years. It fell a couple of times — I reglued the tail and you can see a little chip off one ear. I thought it would be appropriate to donate it to the cat rescue thrift sale. There was a whole table of cat knick knacks there. I don’t know if anyone adopted it or not. Sorry bro, it did have some sentimental value because it was a present from you, but I have a photo of it and the memory that you thought of me and gave me a little cat. Thanks! Random flower(s) are a climbing rose from my garden and a blue geranium.

Teiny steins
Monday, June 22, 2009
My husband went to Germany in ’92 or ’93, before I met him, and he apparently didn’t bring back much other than these mini beer steins. They are only about 5cm tall. Needless to say they have not been prominently displayed. In a box is more like it. They have already chugged out of here.

Flying the coop
Saturday, June 20, 2009
I don’t know where these came from. I’m not sure I should confess to not having unpacked a few boxes since moving here 11 years ago, but I finally opened one up and found a whole bunch of odds and ends, these birds included. I’ve never collected chickens or roosters. Cannot remember acquiring these. I hope someone at the cat rescue sale liked them. It was quite satisfying seeing them on a table full of jumble, knowing I didn’t have to take them home. Random flower is a trillium from my garden.

Are these candle holders?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I have some miniature chairs somewhere, pretty little wooden ones. I guess I thought I might start a collection of small chairs — my aunt has a few. These are metal. They look like chairs. But the odd hole in the centre of each seat makes me think a tea light is supposed to fit in there somehow. No clue. Not even a twinge at not having them anymore. Lucy the dachshund is still alive. Conscious, on pain meds, can’t move her back legs or tail. Surgery tomorrow for broken pelvis, cracked pubic bone, broken leg and several other fractures. Just hoping she makes it, dachsies do well with little wheels for back legs if they are paralyzed. We love you Lucy!

Loonie tunes
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I’m putting up two items today, since I didn’t post yesterday. The loon went to Wendy last night as an addition to her avian avenue. Carved by Vancouver folk artist Gunnar Gormsen. I gave the book to a friend who is taking a trip to the Galapagos Islands this summer. It’s a book my mother gave me, but I’ve never read it. It’s called Floreana: A Woman’s Pilgrimage to the Galapagos.

The vase not the cat
Friday, April 10, 2009
I’m getting tough with myself now and going through my vases again. I really like the frosted glass on this one, it’s heavy and holds a single big flower very well. Oh well. I know I can’t just get rid of obsolete and useless things, I’m going to have to get rid of things I like too. Things I have enjoyed using. (Barger always gets curious when I take out the camera and goes to sniff whatever I’m setting up.)

Hitting the books
Sunday, April 05, 2009
I was off my blog for several days. Spent some time with my parents. Went through a couple of the bookshelves in my mom’s office. Convinced her to get rid of some books. Remember The Celestine Prophecy? I know my my parents didn’t buy it; trying to figure out who might have given it to them. I haven’t read it, just like I haven’t read The Secret. Convinced her that two knick knacks should go too. I think she’s going to put the turtle and the mushroom in the garden, but at least they’ll be out of the house and one step closer to the trunk of the car (and a trip to the thrift store donation box). Keep it up mom! And send me a progress report on that stack of books you said you can’t get rid of yet because you are definitely going to read them.

Clear to exit
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
One of my many collections is of clear pressed glass vessels. Bowls, trays, vases, plates, etc. I got this at the Sally Ann. The way I feel about it now? Meh. Back it goes, unless someone else out there would like it. BTW, I went to an auction preview today and though I saw many things I would probably bid on, I am going to stay away from the auction tomorrow night. Trying to get as much entertainment out of just looking as I would from attending the sale.

This frame needs filling
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
This is a beautiful antique wooden frame on a stand. The inside frame swings back and forth. I always meant to put a black and white ancestral family photo in it, or something sepia, but never found the perfect photo or the perfect place to put it. I’m going to start filling another box — stuff I’m going to take to the swap meet as soon as the weather warms up. So if no one sends me $10 for this, I’ll try to sell it later. At least it will be out of sight.

There aren’t enough flowers in the world
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
I have a vast collection of vases, all manner of shapes and sizes, in glass, porcelain, ceramic and plastic. I saw this vase one day at a thrift store but wasn’t immediately smitten, so I didn’t buy it. When it was still there a couple of weeks later I ended up taking it home. It’s lovely with daisies or rudbekia. It’s also the perfect size and shape to hold paintbrushes, about 5in high and 3in across.

Au revoir
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I remember a family trip to Versailles in the 70s — I bought some miniature Limoges plates from a gift shop (yes I still have the plates). More than 20 years later, a neighbour gave me this heart shaped Limoges box. There is a tiny chip off the lid, which she glued back on before she gave it to me. The heart is about 2 inches across. It has never been one of my favourite things.

Bye bye birdie
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
In the city where I used to live, I had elderly neighbours who made folk art. The man would carve and the woman would paint. Birds, flowers, animals, houses, trees. This cardinal is 6.5in high and 8.5in long. Let me know if you want it.

This egg is toast
Monday, January 12, 2009
Not much to say about this one. It’s about 4 inches high and opens up along the metal rim where the heart is. My mother collects eggs, so I picked this up for her (years ago), but now I don’t want to add to her clutter. It’s quite heavy, nicely made — any takers?

I have vase to make you talk
Saturday, January 03, 2009
I collect little vases. I like this shape. At the moment I have a small collection of green vases in this or a similar shape. I’m going to stick with green, so this one goes.