Dec 2010
Another year out the door
Thursday, December 30, 2010
I have been backsliding this past couple of weeks. It started with a trip to Calgary and a visit to the best Value Village for clothing that I've ever been to. I came back with an updated wardrobe. So far I have picked out several pieces from my previous wardrobe to get of, but in order to follow the one in, one out rule, I still have to cull some more. Since then I have visited thrift stores and picked up bits and pieces here and there. Today I was at a friend's house -- she had some things ready to give away. I saw scissors, tweezers, paper clips and safety pins that I can definitely use, and a science book about the periodic table called The Disappearing Spoon that I want to read. And she gave me a present -- a beautiful old tea tin from Nairobi, with images of the big five on it. It will hold a very special place on my shelves. On the positive side, I have still been adding to all the books in the get rid of pile and trying to give things away when guests drop by. A few weeks ago I babysat a charming young boy and sent him on his way with some plastic Kinder eggs.

I have a girl crush on Judge Judy
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
She is so fabulous! I wish I had her ability to call people out on their BS. Nothing to do with today's post, just happen to be listening to her on the TV while I'm writing this. I'm at the stage now where I am getting rid of things I really like. This fluted vase is part of a small collection of green ceramic vases that are arranged on a shelf in the kitchen. My mom was supposed to come for a longish visit and maybe do a flea market table with me while she was here, but those plans fell through. I am still putting together a flea market box though. Perhaps I can convince a friend to rent a table with me. The swiss chard was the last harvest before we had snow and several days of -5 to -10 degrees. It's warmer now, but that was the end of many of the veggies.