This cat didn't come back
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Here’s a hard one. My brother gave me this cat. It peered over my bookshelf for many years. It fell a couple of times — I reglued the tail and you can see a little chip off one ear. I thought it would be appropriate to donate it to the cat rescue thrift sale. There was a whole table of cat knick knacks there. I don’t know if anyone adopted it or not. Sorry bro, it did have some sentimental value because it was a present from you, but I have a photo of it and the memory that you thought of me and gave me a little cat. Thanks! Random flower(s) are a climbing rose from my garden and a blue geranium.

If I can’t eat it should I keep it?
Monday, June 29, 2009
This rubber plant is huge. At least 5 feet from side to side. I adopted it not too long ago when I helped someone move. She had the plant for sale on craigslist, but no one wanted it, so I tried to find a place for it. Tried being the operative word. It is such a healthy, pretty plant. I moved some furniture around in the living room to accommodate it, but it was always in the way. Once the weather warmed up I was able to put it outside on the deck. I started to ask around to see if anyone I knew would give it a new home. It is now with someone who appreciates it as much as I did, but who actually has a space for it. The other shot is of my red leaf lettuce patch, with some kale in the foreground and iceland poppies in the background.

Just right for a single old fashioned rose
Friday, June 26, 2009
My friend is going to visit someone in the hospital and didn’t want to take a huge bouquet. So I found another little flower holder I am happy to give away. It’s only about 4 in high. Perfect for flowers fresh from the garden. Random flower is a rose I bought at the Government House plant sale a few years ago. The same rose graces the beautiful gardens there. (I won’t be blogging again til after the weekend. Hope it’s nice and sunny and warm where you are.)

Sofa so good
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I’m happy. About six years ago we gave away the sofa bed that matches this sofa. When we decided we could also live without the sofa, we called up the relatives who had taken the sofa bed and asked if they wanted to complete their set. It’s taken some time to coordinate moving the thing, but today the sofa left the building. There is a huge space where it used to be. Which will take me about 10 minutes to fill — finally some space for the la-z-boy recliner that is really ugly but comfortable enough to sleep in. When I was sick with pneumonia, it was the only place I could get some decent rest. The la-z-boy has been crowded into the “library” for a couple of years now. Thanks to the cousins for coming to get the sofa today. Yes mom, that’s Curtis. At least 2 feet taller than when you last saw him.

Out with the ugly
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I got talked into hosting a clothing party for a friend (at the time) who was trying to get some extra money. I should have just given her $100 and saved the bother of trying to rope in other people I know to come and buy clothes. I bought three things, two of which I still wear once in awhile, but this I will never wear again. Not even as a layer to keep me warm in the chill of my office in winter. It was a happy day to donate this to the thrift store. I’m posting another friend’s beautiful cat Hattie to cleanse the visual palate.

Happy anniversary Barger
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Got our fourth cat a year ago. He was almost totally deaf when we got him, but now he has the best hearing in the house. I think going deaf was a coping mechanism -- who knows what happened to him before he ended up at the SPCA. Seriously though, my husband banged pots behind his head, blew whistles etc. to try to determine his level of deafness. He didn’t even budge. Anyway, Barger is a sweet old cat who loves a lap and only bites occasionally. He goes outside on a harness for a “walk” every day. His idea of a walk is to go to the end of the driveway (after eating grass) and then flob over for a nap on the warm pavement. We keep telling him he could nap inside and let us get back to work, but he gets really growly if we try to take him in too soon. It took the other cats several months to adjust to him, but everyone gets along well now. As I’m typing this I have Phoebe almost on top of the keyboard meowing that it’s time for the humans to go to bed. Barger is on his special stool beside my desk. Mika is watching intently out the screen door to the patio, smelling the neighbourhood on a summer night and Bear is on the top level of one of the cat trees. Oh, and I’ve gotten rid of these little salt and pepper shakers my aunt gave me.

Teiny steins
Monday, June 22, 2009
My husband went to Germany in ’92 or ’93, before I met him, and he apparently didn’t bring back much other than these mini beer steins. They are only about 5cm tall. Needless to say they have not been prominently displayed. In a box is more like it. They have already chugged out of here.

More pleated pants
Sunday, June 21, 2009
I don’t care what is in style or what is out of style. I shop at secondhand clothing stores and wear what I like. But my tastes change, and what I think looks good on me changes. So no more pleated pants. I have more than these two pair to discard, but posting two at a time means I have more to post later when I think I can’t possibly find anything to get rid of on a particular day! Backup pleated pants post.

Flying the coop
Saturday, June 20, 2009
I don’t know where these came from. I’m not sure I should confess to not having unpacked a few boxes since moving here 11 years ago, but I finally opened one up and found a whole bunch of odds and ends, these birds included. I’ve never collected chickens or roosters. Cannot remember acquiring these. I hope someone at the cat rescue sale liked them. It was quite satisfying seeing them on a table full of jumble, knowing I didn’t have to take them home. Random flower is a trillium from my garden.

A little bit country
Friday, June 19, 2009
I donated these to the cat rescue sale last week. I think they were review copies sent to a paper I worked for once in awhile many years ago. I used to listen to a country station in the late 80s, but not anymore. Random flower is an amaryllis that rebloomed for me this spring.

Are these candle holders?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I have some miniature chairs somewhere, pretty little wooden ones. I guess I thought I might start a collection of small chairs — my aunt has a few. These are metal. They look like chairs. But the odd hole in the centre of each seat makes me think a tea light is supposed to fit in there somehow. No clue. Not even a twinge at not having them anymore. Lucy the dachshund is still alive. Conscious, on pain meds, can’t move her back legs or tail. Surgery tomorrow for broken pelvis, cracked pubic bone, broken leg and several other fractures. Just hoping she makes it, dachsies do well with little wheels for back legs if they are paralyzed. We love you Lucy!

Breaking up with Lucas Davenport
Monday, June 15, 2009
I was emailing a fellow blogger about how I really haven’t had to make any hard decisions yet about stuff I’m getting rid of. I don’t want to leave all the tough stuff til the end of the year though. So here goes with a tough one. Lucas Davenport has been one of my loves for a very long time. He and I have shared many an adrenalin rush together and rid the world of some very nasty people. This series takes up a lot of real estate on my bookshelf though, and there are stacks of books on the floor and on chairs, waiting for a place on said shelf. I took these books into my favourite book store, Chronicles of Crime (specializing in crime fiction and mystery), and turned them in for store credit. I picked up a Lee Child book with some of the credit -- now I want Jack Reacher to be my new boyfriend! I have high praise for author John Sandford though. He writes entertaining books and based on his lovely turns of phrase, I’m sure he has the heart of a poet. Bye for now Lucas, see you in your next adventure.

Missin’ the masher
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I knew this was bound to happen. I got rid of these utensils in the past couple of weeks and today I really could have used the masher. Of course I hadn’t used the masher in the previous few years, but today I was making stewed rhubarb (for the first time in years) and realized the masher would have been the perfect tool. I used a fork, which did the job. But I had a laugh about it. Did the masher really take up that much space?

Saturday sundaes
Saturday, June 13, 2009
I went to the Victoria Cat Rescue Society strawberry tea and sale today. Had the strange experience of seeing my donations on various tables at the sale. CDs, salt and pepper shaker, books, bowls, Christmas decorations, candles, and more. One thing I know for certain sold today was this set of ice cream dishes. They scored $10 for the rescue cats. I bought them years ago at a sale, used them once or twice, but somehow my visions of entertaining friends outdoors in the summertime and plying them with custards or sorbets or ice cream topped with chocolate sauce and whipping cream never materialized. I even bought long handled sundae spoons. Random cat is Jasper Friendly Bear.

Cart wheels
Friday, June 12, 2009
Another project. Just needed a paint job. Thought I could put something on top of this. Another object left out on the front lawn with a “free” sign on it. I see the neigbourhood kids playing with it in their yard a few houses down now. Random flower is a poppy in the side yard.

Not a lampshade
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I thought this might be a cool lampshade, but someone said it went over the neck of a big wine container. Whatever it is, it is no longer taking up space in my place. It’s on its way to the Victoria Cat Rescue white elephant sale this weekend. If they won’t take it, I will compost it. It’s just wicker. Random flower is Dicentra spectabilis. I have several in the garden, though my Dicentra alba is my favourite.

Shiny pants
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I am grateful my husband is participating in this venture and going through his closet too. We’re so bad about getting rid of stuff that when we moved to this city we just packed everything up and said we’d sort through it later. That was 11 years ago. To my recollection he has never worn these pants the entire time I’ve known him. I have however seen a photo of him wearing them. Now all we have is another photo to remember them by.

Out, out brief candle holders
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
I don’t like these anymore. Don’t know if I ever liked them. Am positive I bought them at a thrift store or yard sale. No pain. Random flower is a parrot tulip sharing a vase with a stem of Hebe hulkeana flowers.

Blasé about the blazer
Monday, June 08, 2009
At one point many years ago my husband was able to wear this blazer and look vaguely retro. Now he can’t get away with it at all, nor does he even like it anymore. You should see the shoulder pads in it... This went out in a big bag of donated clothes.

So simple
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Thank goodness my husband has never actually played The Best of ZZ Top since we’ve been together. These two cds actually sold at the yard sale. Still stuck with the country ones that I’ll post about later. Simple Minds was his too. Random flower is Buddleia globosa, my favourite of the buddleias.

Rolling right out of here
Saturday, June 06, 2009
I have long hair again. I suppose I could use these rollers for a bit of curl, but a straightening iron only takes about 5 minutes. Putting hair up in these things and then using a blow dryer to try and set some wave just takes too long. My hairdresser talked me into these many years ago, but I wasn’t born with curly hair and that’s fine with me. These rollers were in the free pile at the yard sale and someone took them. Random cat is Phoebe, my eldest, 16 this month.

Where old bodums go to die
Friday, June 05, 2009
I make my morning coffee in a French press. I like the design of the stainless steel case, and that’s what I used for years. About once a year though, I would break or chip the glass carafe. When the all steel version came out, I splurged, figuring it was worth it because I would save on carafe replacement, which was about $28 a pop. I’m not sure where all the spare parts came from, because I only remember buying one bodum. The plastic one came from a yard sale. It was my back up. But the plastic cage cracked. I love the shape of my new bodum.

Thursday, June 04, 2009
There were originally six coasters in this set, but only three by the time I got them from a friend of my mother. I’m a fan of birds. But they remained in the box. I have in use some great coasters with bowling pins on them — part of my bowling collection (and a gift from a friend who is always looking out for great bowling items for me). Rhinestone pins, brooches, salt and pepper shakers, piggy bank, vases, etc. — all with pins or balls or bowlers on them. So I’d rather use those coasters than the bird ones. Gone.

Pinkie teacup
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
I’ve decided to get rid of my pink glassware and only collect clear or green. This isn’t old. It’s a sweet little teacup, but as a practical object, it’s too small for me — I drink from big mugs so I don’t have to refill as many times. As something pretty on a shelf in my sideboard it was nice for awhile. Random flower is giant allium.

Not my style anymore
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
But just right for the woman wearing bright red Naots, a red hat and plastic globe earrings. She bought it for $1 at the yard sale. Random flower is a foxglove from a path near Comox.

Green light
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
This lamp did not sell in the yard sale. I bought it at auction for $2 about 5 years ago, but never found the right place for it, nor the right shade. Plus, husband didn’t like it, so it stayed upstairs in a corner of the lab. It was out on the street for a couple of days, with a “free” sign on it. We watched one evening as a woman got out of her car, picked it up and took it over to her trunk...oh the anticipation. But she changed her mind, put the lamp back on the driveway and drove away. Yesterday, the postman rang the doorbell and asked if I could put the lamp aside until he finished his route; he was planning to come back for it. And he did. I love this combination of purple heuchera with the white hellebore.