Puzzle me this
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
My sister-in-law gave me this puzzle for my birthday. 500 pieces in a 16 x 16in finished piece. It was hard, but lots of fun to do. My mother-in-law helped me with it and so did a few others as they passed by the dining room table. A puzzle is like a book to me though. Once I’ve done it once or read it once, I will very rarely do it again. And since the whole goal of this year is to divest, I found the perfect person to pass the puzzle on to. I get a fabulous massage every once in awhile. In conversation with my practitioner a couple of months ago, I discovered she loves to do puzzles. I kept that in mind and voilà, along came a puzzle to give to her. She received it from me two days ago and was delighted.