Sort of looks like an owl face
Sunday, April 18, 2010
I spent the past week on a big creative project. I'll post photos soon. Beads and jewels and gold metallic wire. Handmade papers. Anyway, here's something that doesn't take up much room, but something I will never wear. My husband brought it back home from a business trip to New Brunswick — someone gave it to him as a souvenir. I know a kid who might be collecting pins. I'll see if he wants it. Random flowers are orchids that outlasted their original bouquet. If you want fabulous flowers, you'll be wanting to talk to Tracy at Garden Gate Floral Services in Saanich 250-508-3194. She's amazing!

Put a ring in it
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
My mother was an Avon lady for many years back in the 70s. I don't remember when Avon started to sell jewellery as well as perfume and cosmetics, but I'm certain this is an Avon ring. The red suede apple ring box was given to me by S.H. eight or nine years ago. She gave me a necklace along with the box, not a ring. I still wear the necklace, but I was ready to give the apple away. I put the ring in the apple, wrapped it up and sent it to M. in New Hampshire. I posted a photo of the box I sent out on December 8 — now that Christmas is over and the presents have been opened, I can show the ring. Bear has been extra friendly lately. Lots of purring. Lots of lap time.

Three charms a time
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Some charms I don't wear. A few more bitty blings to drop on the street for kids to find. They're kiddie sized. I've got a thick neck.

Just taking up space
Thursday, October 08, 2009
I don't have pierced ears. People who know this sometimes give me clip-on earrings. Sometimes I wear them, but they are hard to adjust and there are few things worse than tight clip-ons. The pain increases exponentially after you remove the earrings, as blood flow is restored to the pinched area. I do have clip-ons I think look good on me, but these don't, despite the beautiful blue glaze — they are porcelain. I have a matching pendant somewhere. Very 80s, which is when I received the set as a gift. The chain necklace is coppery; I believe it came from Avon. It disappears when I wear it. I need chunkier, more substantial necklaces. If I do wear a chain, there is always a charm or stone or some other lovely thing hanging from it which doesn't disappear against me.

March of the elephants
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Haven't gotten rid of jewellery in awhile. This is a brooch. A nice brooch. A gift from a friend, probably around 17 years ago. I used to wear it, but now I am wearing new bling. It doesn't take up much room, so I'll put it in the box to go out. If anyone wants it, they can have it. Here's a view of the shed. The garden grew like stink at the end of summer.

Odds and sods
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
After eight and a half months I think I might have used that title before. Keep hoping I'll find the time to write a longer entry about stuff and how I came to have so much of it (for hardly any money) and why some things are so hard to get rid of. There really are people who don't form any attachment to their possessions and can divest themselves regularly of either excess items or things they simply don't like anymore. I suppose there are people who get rid of clothing when the seasons change and buy all new. I belong to a different tribe. The other day I was wearing a dress around the house that I sewed (with my great aunt's help) in 1982. It's indestructible and I can wear it to answer the door without any embarrassment. Work is always hectic and it's been a weird summer. I grab a few minutes at the end of the day to post a photo and write a few words. Tonight's offerings are a small silk photo frame and some gaudy cuff links. The frame was a promo item from a local Thai restaurant — I bought it at a yard sale for a quarter. I was going to remove the iridescent ovals from the cuff links (also from a yard sale) and use them in a mixed media collage. Yup. Another lifetime.

Sticking my necklace out
Friday, May 29, 2009
A very dear friend gave me this necklace a few years ago, but it is too short to go around my neck. I can’t even wear it as a choker, besides which, the style doesn’t suit being a choker. So much as I adore my friend, I am going to give this necklace up. I have other gifts to gaze upon and think fondly of her. And now I have a photo of the necklace if I want a reminder. This is one of the paths in our garden. The plant in the lower right is an epimedium. I much prefer its proper name to one of its common names, horny goat weed.

Bunnies and beads
Thursday, May 14, 2009
My gardener showed up today with baby bunnies in her bra. She rescued them after their mother was killed by a cat. Stuffed them in her bra to keep them safe and warm while biking over here. They slept, they sunned in the wheelbarrow, they hopped around a bit. She feeds them every four hours, figures they might be three weeks old. Our city has a big problem in some areas with rabbit populations. Domestic rabbits that were abandoned and then of course multiplied. I have to admit that these little ones are pretty cute. We’ll see if they survive. Oh, and I’m getting rid of a small beaded necklace.

Ring a ling
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Another bit of cheap jewellery to leave on the street for a kid to find. I can’t remember how this came to be mine. If you like the manicure, visit and make an appointment with Myra!
Won’t be blogging again until Sunday. Ciao for now.

Won’t be blogging again until Sunday. Ciao for now.

Black strap
Monday, March 23, 2009
Found this watch strap in a drawer. I don’t wear a watch anymore, not when the time is always to be found at the upper right hand corner of my monitor. And when I’m not at my computer I am within range of a digital readout on the microwave, the vcr and so forth. Now that I have succumbed to a cell phone, I can always find time there too. This is a lovely, stamped black leather strap. Very delicate.

Out on its ear, part 2
Monday, March 16, 2009
I don’t have holes in my ears. Must have picked these up for an art project or perhaps was given them by someone who didn’t notice I didn’t have pierced ears.

The sparkle is gone
Monday, January 26, 2009
Here are two little pendant or bracelet charms. I will drop them on the sidewalk on my street for the girls on their way to school to find. I used to love finding “jewels” on the ground when I was a kid.