Play me some more of those blues
Saturday, February 12, 2011
My husband went through a stage when he played this every day for months. It came from his sister when she moved. Then it was put away again and not being used as much as it should be. My neighbour has two grandkids who take piano lessons -- this is a good way to practice with headphones on. Glad it has gone to a good home.

Cassettes? Are you kidding?
Monday, February 22, 2010
Here are a few more odds and ends from around the house. Who knew we had so many extra phones? And I'm just getting started on getting rid of the cassette tapes. I still have a player and I suppose I will keep a few, but really, I should just buy replacement music on iTunes and ditch the tapes. Was never fond of rewinding or fast forwarding just to find a specific song. I often put a song on repeat and listen to it two or three times in a row. Hard to do that with a cassette. The book was a tough slog. Never did finish it, though I found the self-absorption of the author quite fascinating. If you ever want to read every single detail about someone's life, every thought and brain burp, this is for you.

Take me home, country roads
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Oh Reba, I used to bop along to Why Haven't I Heard from You. Loved the video too. That song isn't on this CD. Didn't really care for Carlene or Leann or the guy in the cowboy hat. Don't much listen to CDs at all anymore, most of the time I listen to everything through iTunes on my computer. Still have some credits left to spend at the iTunes store. I miss summer. These are Oregon dahlias we bought at a street market in Portland a couple of summers ago.

Cassette goodbye
Monday, August 17, 2009
Gotta love freecycling. This was one of the fastest removals ever. We put this cassette player (a terrific Yamaha deck in its time) out on the lawn with the standard “free” sign and not ten minutes later it was gone. Didn’t see who nabbed it. We still have a stack of Yamaha components, but it’s a shorter stack now. Can’t remember the last time I played a cassette. I still have a blaster somewhere if I really can’t live without hearing Hang Out Your Poetry by Ceremony again. I’ll throw in a random baby today because the cassette player is not very attractive. The little girl is years older now, part of my extended family.

Haven't posted CDs for awhile
Sunday, July 19, 2009
These came with the husband. He realized he hadn’t played them in the last decade, so he agreed to part with them. Random flower is another daylily that is out right now.

A little bit country
Friday, June 19, 2009
I donated these to the cat rescue sale last week. I think they were review copies sent to a paper I worked for once in awhile many years ago. I used to listen to a country station in the late 80s, but not anymore. Random flower is an amaryllis that rebloomed for me this spring.

So simple
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Thank goodness my husband has never actually played The Best of ZZ Top since we’ve been together. These two cds actually sold at the yard sale. Still stuck with the country ones that I’ll post about later. Simple Minds was his too. Random flower is Buddleia globosa, my favourite of the buddleias.

Ahhh Lara
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I remembered the name Lara Fabian from a long time ago, when my brother recommended her. So when I saw these cds recently at a thrift sale, I bought them. Listened to them a couple of times, but she’s not to my taste. Very easy listening, but I’d rather listen to my other music. Random flowers are some gorgeous, fragrant white lilacs brought to me by a friend.