Put candy here
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I have had this in the get-rid-of pile for a long time now, but don't think I've ever posted it. There have been so many items over the past year and a bit. Sometimes I get rid of something without taking a photo or writing about it. I did a quick search through the archives, but didn't find it -- heaven forbid I should repeat an item. But you should see the various piles/boxes. Some to try and sell. Some to take to the thrift store. Some to try and consign at various places (depends what type of stuff they take) and some to take to recycling. Some to post on usedvictoria.com and give away. Eventually things do leave. I collect clear pressed glass. This is a pretty little candy dish. Make way for another piece that's been stacked in a cupboard.

Out of the pink
Monday, November 16, 2009
I have a small collection of depression glass in a pink Queen Mary pattern that I will get rid of eventually. Maybe sooner than later. This is not Queen Mary. I don't even know if it's depression glass. Pretty sure these bowls came from my mother, who thought because I had some pink pieces I might want more. Trouble is, I'm not fond of pink glass. Give me green or clear. So these fruit nappies are in the box to go to the consignment store unless someone pipes up.

An empty bottle is a sad bottle
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
This bottle was filled with a delicious soy-ginger-lime-sesame marinade when a friend gave it to me for Christmas about ten years ago. It came with the recipe written on a card attached to the bottle with a ribbon. I planned on making the marinade again; it truly was tasty. I am going to put the bottle in my thrift store box.

Pretty as a pitcher
Sunday, October 11, 2009
This pitcher could be yours — I'm putting it in my “getting rid of” pile, but will hang on to it for awhile in case anyone wants it. It's quite sweet, not very tall, pressed glass. It's been a long time since I've gotten a donation for my friend's African projects — even a toonie or two helps. I never got around to sipping iced tea on the patio (you can imagine how pretty the slices of lemon would look in this pitcher) but if you don't have time for such pursuits either, you could always put a bunch of flowers in it.

Too brittle
Sunday, October 04, 2009
We bought a set of these glass food containers at IKEA a few years ago. Various shapes and sizes. Most of the lids have chipped and have had to be discarded. The containers are thick and heavy. For awhile it was difficult to find food storage containers that weren't plastic, but there are more choices now. We've opted for lighter, more practical designs. This container is about 7" across and at least 6" high. Clunky. Random flower is a hydrangea — can't for the life of me remember the latin name.

Double up
Saturday, October 03, 2009
I can't seem to manage posting on a Friday. I go to regular poetry readings on Friday nights, and when I get home I just can't switch gears and write about my junk. These little glass bowls all start to look the same after awhile. I collect them in ones or pairs or threes (my favourite) at yard sales and put them in the sideboard. The sideboard has glass doors on it, so I can see the collection whenever I walk by. Plus I have various glass bowls and square dishes in front of my books on bookcase shelves. I want to whittle down to the ones I like the most. This one can go. The magazine is from the '60s. I sold it for a whopping $5. Convinced a guy it was worth it just to put it on his coffee that night for a party he was giving. I tried to read the articles — no offense to writers who were making a living back then, but despite the provocative headlines, the magazine was unreadable. My favourite headline is "Can retarded sex development be cured?" At most a conversation piece.

Saturday sundaes
Saturday, June 13, 2009
I went to the Victoria Cat Rescue Society strawberry tea and sale today. Had the strange experience of seeing my donations on various tables at the sale. CDs, salt and pepper shaker, books, bowls, Christmas decorations, candles, and more. One thing I know for certain sold today was this set of ice cream dishes. They scored $10 for the rescue cats. I bought them years ago at a sale, used them once or twice, but somehow my visions of entertaining friends outdoors in the summertime and plying them with custards or sorbets or ice cream topped with chocolate sauce and whipping cream never materialized. I even bought long handled sundae spoons. Random cat is Jasper Friendly Bear.

Clear to exit
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
One of my many collections is of clear pressed glass vessels. Bowls, trays, vases, plates, etc. I got this at the Sally Ann. The way I feel about it now? Meh. Back it goes, unless someone else out there would like it. BTW, I went to an auction preview today and though I saw many things I would probably bid on, I am going to stay away from the auction tomorrow night. Trying to get as much entertainment out of just looking as I would from attending the sale.