Apr 2010
I yam what I yam
Friday, April 23, 2010
There are a few things in the freezer that need to go. Here's one of them. If the expiry date is too small to read, I'll tell you it ends in 05. As in 2005. The compost just got a bit of old dried out spinach added to the mix. The little fruit nappy is a cat food dish. But the gold rim means I can't put it in the microwave. I heat Barger's food for 5 seconds to take the chill off it. I can only use this bowl when I open a new can that's at room temperature. I have many more cat food dishes — I can get rid of this one.

Here's hoping
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
I'll tell you what I want to get rid of. The box of receipts, the stacks of file folders with bills, bank statements, credit card statements and invoices that are scolding me from every surface of my office. Less than two weeks to file taxes. Technically, because I am self-employed, I have until June to file (as long as I pay anything I owe by April 30), but I don't want to have this tedium hanging over me that long. And don't tell me to hire an accountant. By the time I've sorted everything into categories, I might as well just take the last step of entering the figures into my accounting program and do my taxes myself. It's a warmish, soft rain day here — the rhodos are in bloom or about to bloom, the bushtits are checking out the clematis to see if they want to nest there, and I haven't seen the rabbit in two days. Phew. Perhaps my lettuce babies are safe for the moment. Today's plan is to work, work, work on a program, ads, and business cards, maybe do some timesheets and catch up to the point where I can enter some receipts. Lots of coffee in the plan too.

Sort of looks like an owl face
Sunday, April 18, 2010
I spent the past week on a big creative project. I'll post photos soon. Beads and jewels and gold metallic wire. Handmade papers. Anyway, here's something that doesn't take up much room, but something I will never wear. My husband brought it back home from a business trip to New Brunswick — someone gave it to him as a souvenir. I know a kid who might be collecting pins. I'll see if he wants it. Random flowers are orchids that outlasted their original bouquet. If you want fabulous flowers, you'll be wanting to talk to Tracy at Garden Gate Floral Services in Saanich 250-508-3194. She's amazing!

Only 258 days til Christmas
Saturday, April 10, 2010
I've put this up on our mantle every Christmas for at least 13 years. Thanks Karen, it's been a lovely decoration all these years. But I'm ready for a change. It will go into the out box for now. If you want it back, just let me know.

Whoosh! The sound of a few days off.
Friday, April 09, 2010
Just got back from a few days away. A cabin. No computer. No phone. We snuck into town one day to find a cafe with wireless. Why does it feel like the time off never happened? I saw my parents. Gave my dad this dark blue shirt that was too big for me to wear even for around the house or for working out. The thing with the illustration of the dolls is a cardboard holder, not quite a box, that once contained writing paper and envelopes. My distant cousin Wendy gave it to me — yikes, I'm thinking more than 30 years ago. I was a teen and wrote lots of letters. The illustration was beautifully rendered. Another pair of shoes that I've come to think are a bit old-fashioned for me. They came from my mother, so that might have been obvious when she gave them to me, but sometimes you have to wear them a few times to figure it out.

It's Easter weekend, I have other things to do
Sunday, April 04, 2010
A blouse I think is a pretty colour but is too long and smock-y for me. Some of those episodes of What Not To Wear are sinking in. I'm going to see my mother tomorrow. See if she wants it.
The light fixture is from the kitchen, where we replaced it many years ago. The sort of thing that is still useful and sits on a shelf in the storage room. The now overflowing onto the floor of the storage room sort of stuff.
Don't know what happened to the warmish weather we were getting last week. Huge wind storm -- we lost power on Friday. I thought it might snow, it was so cold. I have a massive brugmansia overwintering in the family room that I would like to put outside, but it's obviously still too unpredictable out there. Tulips are up, about to bloom.

The light fixture is from the kitchen, where we replaced it many years ago. The sort of thing that is still useful and sits on a shelf in the storage room. The now overflowing onto the floor of the storage room sort of stuff.
Don't know what happened to the warmish weather we were getting last week. Huge wind storm -- we lost power on Friday. I thought it might snow, it was so cold. I have a massive brugmansia overwintering in the family room that I would like to put outside, but it's obviously still too unpredictable out there. Tulips are up, about to bloom.

Still a lot of good years left in him
Thursday, April 01, 2010
This one is really hard. He doesn't take up much room, and his things don't either, but just think of all the space I'll have for my stuff if he's no longer in the house. I got him 15 years ago, after a long search for just the perfect one. He's given me a lot of pleasure and has always been easy on the eyes. I know I will never find one quite like this again. Irreplaceable really. He's in the “free” box out by the driveway, but I'm sure he won't be out there long.