Mar 2009
Getting rid of some stress
Monday, March 30, 2009
Away from my blog for the next week. I may or may not double up on items next week. Later!
Pretty purse
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Gave this away today to someone who will use it. Brand new purse, bought at a yard sale not quite a year ago. Plastic still on the handles. I’m much more fond of my leather bags.

Friday, March 27, 2009
Another keychain. The flashlight in it used to work. I used to use the light to look into the far regions of a junk drawer in a poorly lighted room. Eventually all batteries lose power. There was a realtor promo on the outside but I photoshopped out the name and phone number. If you want a good realtor call my mother.

Paper cut
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I haven’t gotten rid of any paper products in almost two weeks. Two friends of mine have started making their own greeting cards and doing other papercrafts, so I’m sorting through my samples and parting with some. There’s paper stashed all over the place: in boxes, in drawers, in files. As I come across it I will sort and give away.

Clear to exit
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
One of my many collections is of clear pressed glass vessels. Bowls, trays, vases, plates, etc. I got this at the Sally Ann. The way I feel about it now? Meh. Back it goes, unless someone else out there would like it. BTW, I went to an auction preview today and though I saw many things I would probably bid on, I am going to stay away from the auction tomorrow night. Trying to get as much entertainment out of just looking as I would from attending the sale.

Friends with pick-ups
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
At last! Something large has left the premises. My husband’s old desk, which he used for almost 20 years. He has now upgraded to an adjustable height desk so he can work standing up when he wants a break from sitting. The new one has an adjustable swivel arm for his monitor too. Normally we would have found somewhere else to put the old desk, but there really is no room left anywhere. Glad that a friend of mine took it away to give to her daughter’s boyfriend. The other photo is of a stir fry made entirely of fresh veggies from our garden: green onions, two varieties of kale, broccoli and swiss chard. From plants that toughed it out through the winter and are small but edible. Yummy.

Black strap
Monday, March 23, 2009
Found this watch strap in a drawer. I don’t wear a watch anymore, not when the time is always to be found at the upper right hand corner of my monitor. And when I’m not at my computer I am within range of a digital readout on the microwave, the vcr and so forth. Now that I have succumbed to a cell phone, I can always find time there too. This is a lovely, stamped black leather strap. Very delicate.

Muggy afternoon
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Until today, this mug held pens and pencils. I transferred the pens and pencils to a glass container and have put the mug into the box for the Sally Ann. Love the Far Side, but this is not a favourite cartoon. The caption reads: Wait! Wait! Listen to me... We don’t HAVE to be just sheep! I have too many mugs. Never used this one for morning coffee — it doesn’t hold nearly enough.

On your mark, get teddy, go!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Somehow I missed the stuffed animal craze. I have one teddy bear my mother gave me, made by the Ganz toy company back when it was still Ganz Brothers and before Ganz started making kitsch of all kinds. I will probably never give that bear away, but it is certainly not being kept company by a menagerie of animal siblings. I’m not sure where this little guy came from — I might have had it around in case a stray child showed up. At any rate, I see no point in keeping it.

Off the bottle
Friday, March 20, 2009
This was a door prize at a party. By then I had already switched to stainless steel for my water bottle. I suppose I could use this as a container for something other than water, but the whole point of this exercise is to get rid of things, not keep them around because I might one day find an alternate use for them.

Grungy scrunchie
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Too many work deadlines today. Looked around and found an old scrunchie I don’t wear anymore. Don’t wear scrunchies anymore period.I’m sure there are a few more around somewhere.

My husband went to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska and all he brought home was a broken tail bone and this inflatable pillow
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
The title pretty much says it all. The first aid crew up in Prudhoe gave him this to sit on, but he never used it. It’s an odd thing to keep around “just in case” so I’m not going to.

This leather has seen a lot of moola
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
St. Michael’s University School annual garage sale. I’ve only made it there twice; keep finding out about it after the date has passed. That’s what you get for reading community newspapers a few days after they arrive. This wallet cost me $1. I used it for almost 7 years. Then I found a gorgeous old light brown leather wallet, soft as butter. The one I use now and caress fondly. I was going to keep this as backup, but I’m sure if I ever need a new wallet, the Sally Ann will be there with a bin full of choices.

Out on its ear, part 2
Monday, March 16, 2009
I don’t have holes in my ears. Must have picked these up for an art project or perhaps was given them by someone who didn’t notice I didn’t have pierced ears.

Cut it out
Sunday, March 15, 2009
These cookie cutters are so small I can’t imagine the frustration of using them to bake cookies. (That’s a toonie to show scale.) I used one of the set in a ceramics class (1981?) to make teeny clay penguins. For some reason the penguin mold isn’t with its mates. A fierce March storm is raging here and the lights are flickering. I’m about to do the unheard of and shut my computer down.

Out on its ear, bud
Saturday, March 14, 2009
I wandered around for a long time today looking for something to get rid of. Uh oh. I wonder if I’m stumbling a bit. I picked up and looked at quite a few things, but in the end decided I still had a use, or a potential use, for them. This pair of ear buds is one of a couple of backup pairs. Not nearly as comfortable as the ones I use now, so really, if I need a new backup pair one day, I should go get nice soft ones. These Sony ones might have come with the walkman I got rid of in January.

Made for walking
Friday, March 13, 2009
It’s lovely having a mom with the same size feet as I have. If I go for a visit and haven’t packed a pair of trainers, I can wear hers. Got this pair from my mom. Have never worn them. Have many other pairs that were hand-me-downs from her; they suit me much better than these. It’s late, I had to take a quick photo — these shoes are on top of the cat scratching post. A lot of cat hair on there. I’ll scout a different location for tomorrow’s shot.

Shady lady
Thursday, March 12, 2009
My husband thinks the 80s called and want their sunglasses back. I think this pair is nicely retro, but I do have several other pairs that we both agree on. These hardly weigh anything, are very comfortable. Anyone want them?

Give me real salt
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
This came free with a purchase from a health food store. I’ve had it on the top ledge of my stove ever since we moved in here, which means I actually packed it in a box and moved it from our last place. More than ten years ago. I think I’ve used it twice. It’s salty stuff, but with an odd aftertaste. Heave ho.

Mystery metal
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I have no idea what these things are. If you have any clue, email me. I liked them because they were shiny and metal and they were either free or 25 cents. I might have thought I was going to use them as toothbrush holders. Doesn’t matter now.

Mini not for me
Monday, March 09, 2009
Age innapropriate clothing. There just comes a time... haven’t worn this in a couple of decades anyway.

Books of the week
Monday, March 09, 2009
I can see that at I might have at least one or two books a week end up in the goodbye pile. These two stock photo books went to a friend who wants to make her own greeting cards. (I’m back at my computer. This is technically a post for yesterday, March 8. )

Quartetto obsoleto
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
I’m not going to have access to my blog for a few days so I’m posting for four days now.
I still have a VHS player and I still tape TV shows, but why do I need to protect the tapes in plastic cases? I don’t. I can’t be bothered to put the tapes back into the cases anyway. So three of them are off to recycling — the three I came across this week.

Another vase. It’s plastic, so it tips over easily. Not as pretty as my glass ones. Into the Sally Ann box.

Cat toy that the cats easily ripped off a scratching post and haven’t played with since. There are cat toys all over the place that they do have fun with. This one was fine for batting at when it was suspended, but I think it’s too heavy for them to bat around on the floor.

My friend was over and saw my get-rid-of pile of books near the front door. This one caught her eye. I wouldn’t let her leave with it until I’d taken a photo of it for the blog. I usually cook without recipes now.

I still have a VHS player and I still tape TV shows, but why do I need to protect the tapes in plastic cases? I don’t. I can’t be bothered to put the tapes back into the cases anyway. So three of them are off to recycling — the three I came across this week.

Another vase. It’s plastic, so it tips over easily. Not as pretty as my glass ones. Into the Sally Ann box.

Cat toy that the cats easily ripped off a scratching post and haven’t played with since. There are cat toys all over the place that they do have fun with. This one was fine for batting at when it was suspended, but I think it’s too heavy for them to bat around on the floor.

My friend was over and saw my get-rid-of pile of books near the front door. This one caught her eye. I wouldn’t let her leave with it until I’d taken a photo of it for the blog. I usually cook without recipes now.

Hop to it
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
This is one of the patterns I came across as I was cleaning out my craft files last week. I made several beanbag frogs in the 70s, when I was a teenager and learning to sew. It seemed everyone was making them. It’s just a piece of paper now. Don’t know what happened to the frogs I made, must have given them away more than 20 years ago. (I found a photo on the web that looks sort of like the finished frog.)

Glass cactus
Monday, March 02, 2009
I think this is a stir stick for a fancy drink. It came standing up in the pot of a cactus plant that I got from a guy I worked with who cleared out his office when he left for a new job. Actually, he gave the cactus to someone else we worked with, but a year later, when I left, I rescued the thing and it is still alive after 8 years. Some people believe you never ever ever have to water a cactus. Never. Well, maybe not this kind.

Shrinking violets
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Another month begins! When I look back over the past two months of decluttering it certainly feels like I’ve gotten rid of a lot, especially when I scroll through all the photos. But when I look around the house I’m looking with a more ruthless eye and can see many more things I can live without.
When a large piece of a houseplant breaks off, my first inclination is to try and root it, thereby gaining another plant. This poor piece of African violet has been rooting in water for well over a year. I haven’t planted it yet. I’ve gotten rid of two plants so far, why not another one? I don’t really want to nurture a tiny violet in the hope it will one day flower. If I really want more violets I can pick up a plant in full bloom for about $3. Besides, there are still seven African violets around the house. The compost will receive an exotic deposit tomorrow. (I’m keeping the vase. Yard sale, Vancouver, 1992, $2)

When a large piece of a houseplant breaks off, my first inclination is to try and root it, thereby gaining another plant. This poor piece of African violet has been rooting in water for well over a year. I haven’t planted it yet. I’ve gotten rid of two plants so far, why not another one? I don’t really want to nurture a tiny violet in the hope it will one day flower. If I really want more violets I can pick up a plant in full bloom for about $3. Besides, there are still seven African violets around the house. The compost will receive an exotic deposit tomorrow. (I’m keeping the vase. Yard sale, Vancouver, 1992, $2)