personal products
Blow me
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Back up. So much of my stuff is back up in case the newer, better item for the same purpose breaks down. Then I can use the old one without having to lay out cash to buy a replacement. But the back ups take up space. This was still a great hair dryer and a quiet one -- I found one even more quiet one and relegated this to the cupboard under the bathroom sink. Where it has been for years already. I'm sure even humble hair dryer technology has improved since then, so the next time I need a new one I will just go buy it. I put this blower in with the stuff to Big Brothers Big Sisters.

No expiry date on pain
Monday, November 30, 2009
But I don't think 15+ year old ibuprofen 600s would do much to make it go away. This is something I keep meaning to take to the pharmacy for proper disposal. No flushing down the toilet. These belonged to my ex. That's his handwriting on the bottle. I can't for the life of me remember which ailment warranted so many big pain pills. Now that it's colder and the fire is turned on a couple times a day, the cats love lolling on the warm floor in front of it.

Down the drain
Monday, November 23, 2009
This product turned my husband's teeth brown. Yup. Google it. Doesn't happen to everyone, but it happened to him. Gone now, but the discolouration was disconcerting to say the least. The garden is brown now too. Much of it. Sodden and mucky. Rain and more rain. Just a few more months before it looks like this again.

Roll away
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Hasn’t everyone had one of these at one time or another? I have thought about getting rid of this massage roller for years already. I would pick it up from its home in a basket in the living room (where the plan was to pull it out while watching TV and give my back and shoulders a wee massage) and think I should get rid of it because I never, ever used it. Then I would actually try it out again for 30 seconds or so, feel momentarily great and get a bit of circulation going, and put it back in the basket. This time I am motivated to banish it for good. And though it crossed my mind to dismantle the roller and keep the wooden beads to give to my mother to incorporate into the macrame wall hanging she began in 1975 and still hasn’t finished (it hangs three quarters knotted in a hallway at her house), I resisted the urge.

French manicure
Monday, July 06, 2009
I rarely put on regular nail polish much less go through all the steps required for a French manicure. I’ve had precisely one French manicure in my whole life and it was on April 17, 1988. Professionally done, not with the polish in these bottles. A friend gave these to me when she moved three years ago, and I have never used them. Random flower is a white delphinium in the back yard.

Rolling right out of here
Saturday, June 06, 2009
I have long hair again. I suppose I could use these rollers for a bit of curl, but a straightening iron only takes about 5 minutes. Putting hair up in these things and then using a blow dryer to try and set some wave just takes too long. My hairdresser talked me into these many years ago, but I wasn’t born with curly hair and that’s fine with me. These rollers were in the free pile at the yard sale and someone took them. Random cat is Phoebe, my eldest, 16 this month.

Not cushy at all
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Now that I know I’m participating in a yard sale, I can start posting stuff I was eventually going to try to sell on craigslist. Throwing it on a table on my friend’s lawn seems less hassle than writing an ad and fielding emails. This cushion, which heats up and vibrates a bit in an attempt to mimic a massage also has a port to plug in an mp3 player and speakers to blast out the sound. My husband received it as his Christmas present at a corporate party two years ago. There were lots of wrapped gifts under a tree and each employee went up to select one when their name was called. It soon became obvious there were only three variations of box sizes, and indeed, each box of a certain size held the same gift. I figured out pretty quickly which shape resulted in the home version of a chocolate fondue fountain and told my guy to pick anything but that! Ended up with the Homedics MP# Cush music playing 5 motor massage seat, with heat. I took it out of the box to make sure it works, but I prefer a massage from a real live person. If I want heat, I take a long, hot bath. It’s quieter. Random flower is Brunnera macrophylla “Jack Frost.”

Take two and call me in the morning
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I have found a place to recycle pill bottles. Apparently they are used to package medicine for third world countries. Of course I have a huge stash of them, just like I still have a stash of film containers. Very useful to store small items such as beads and screws and seeds from and for the garden. While I don’t get any new film containers any more, I still do get pill bottles. Why are they called bottles when they are plastic? Random garden shot is Lewisia cotyledon in a couple of colour variations. I lost three of these plants this winter, but as you can see, the rest are doing very well.

Make a new plan, tan
Monday, May 04, 2009
I have only deliberately tanned a few times in my ignorant youth. Now I cultivate a lily pale complexion. I was helping my mom clean out her bathroom drawers and thought I might try this bronzing product, but it has been months, the box is still unopened, and I realize I will never use it. It will join the bins of soaps, shampoos and cosmetics at the Sally Ann.

Monday, February 23, 2009
These were great when I got them. All natural ingredients, locally made. Unfortunately, having no preservatives means the wax or oil in these lip balms has gone sticky and a bit smelly. One stick has hardly even been used. I hate waste, but I can’t stand the way my lips feel with this stuff on them. I’ll recycle the plastic bits. In the meantime I already have a new chapstick that came free with a bottle of zinc lozenges. So between that one and one from the Body Shop (I’m embarrassed to admit how old it is), I’m kissable.

Your goodbye kiss leaves a stain on my cheek
Friday, January 16, 2009
I don’t wear makeup very often. So it lasts a long time. I moved here with these. And that was ten years ago. The Arbonne lipstick on the far left was purchased in 1987. I was wearing pink and purple and turquoise Reeboks that year and was young enough for that colour. I guess I’ve kept them because lipsticks don’t take up much room in the medicine cabinet. I’m going to compost the actual lipstick part (if it’s safe enough for me to ingest — apart from the lead in a lot of reds — it should be compostable) and recycle the plastic tubes at Pacific Mobile Depots.