Saturday, November 28, 2009
I have drawers filled with old and empty frames — for the watercolours I am going to paint and fill the frames with. Now I am willing to weed through the frames more drastically. The icing caps have no tube to go with them. It's Saturday night. Got to get away from the computer for a change.

Odds and sods
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
After eight and a half months I think I might have used that title before. Keep hoping I'll find the time to write a longer entry about stuff and how I came to have so much of it (for hardly any money) and why some things are so hard to get rid of. There really are people who don't form any attachment to their possessions and can divest themselves regularly of either excess items or things they simply don't like anymore. I suppose there are people who get rid of clothing when the seasons change and buy all new. I belong to a different tribe. The other day I was wearing a dress around the house that I sewed (with my great aunt's help) in 1982. It's indestructible and I can wear it to answer the door without any embarrassment. Work is always hectic and it's been a weird summer. I grab a few minutes at the end of the day to post a photo and write a few words. Tonight's offerings are a small silk photo frame and some gaudy cuff links. The frame was a promo item from a local Thai restaurant — I bought it at a yard sale for a quarter. I was going to remove the iridescent ovals from the cuff links (also from a yard sale) and use them in a mixed media collage. Yup. Another lifetime.

Bland trio
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Because I sometimes find the time to paint small watercolours, I am always on the lookout for little frames. Now I have more frames than I will ever need, so I am getting rid of some. These have left the building, you didn’t really want them anyway.

Fuel for the fire
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I’ve got a lot of projects waiting around to be started/finished. These frames need finishing and glass cut to fit. Not going to happen. I paint botanical watercolours now and then and am always on the lookout for interesting frames.