Tuesday, March 09, 2010
What to do with two touch lamps that don't work anymore? When there are three cats on the bed, it's pitch black in the room, and one of the humans wakes up because one of the cats is commencing to vomit, it sure is handy to reach over and touch a lampshade to shed some fast light and assess the situation. Is there time to move the urping cat onto the floor away from the rug? Musn't move too quickly or the two cats who hate each other might be pushed towards each other, take it as a sign of agression from the other and lash out with teeth and claws. It's a long way to the light switch -- both of these lamps stopped working last summer. We haven't been able to find replacements that we can stand to look at. Most of the ones we see look like the bottom example. Yuk. I don't know if I can recycle any parts of the lamps yet. That's why they are still taking up space in the shed. Took two boxes of dishes to the Sally Ann today. That felt good.

Green light
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
This lamp did not sell in the yard sale. I bought it at auction for $2 about 5 years ago, but never found the right place for it, nor the right shade. Plus, husband didn’t like it, so it stayed upstairs in a corner of the lab. It was out on the street for a couple of days, with a “free” sign on it. We watched one evening as a woman got out of her car, picked it up and took it over to her trunk...oh the anticipation. But she changed her mind, put the lamp back on the driveway and drove away. Yesterday, the postman rang the doorbell and asked if I could put the lamp aside until he finished his route; he was planning to come back for it. And he did. I love this combination of purple heuchera with the white hellebore.