May 2011
Ins and Outs
Monday, May 23, 2011
Trying to get some balance. Stuff is still going out, but stuff coming in, especially books. I'm becoming more obsessed with old, musty books and papers. The tooth of the stock, the little engravings -- even books that are destined for the trash because their bindings are shot or because there is some staining still have some pages of exquisite typesetting or tipped in prints. There's an artist in Victoria who makes beautiful geometric panels from small pieces of the hard covers of old books. They are lovely. I am getting more ruthless about getting rid of the crime fiction. I've started three books this last week and only read one of them. The others I abandoned after a couple of chapters. Out with them.You'd better give me a good plot and some engaging writing to keep my interest. Also ruthless with poetry. I'll read up to five poems in a book. If none of them intrigue me, resonate with me, off they go to someone who might appreciate them. I ordered a couple of books of poems recently that were so bad I won't even give them away. No one should waste their time reading them. Recycling.
I'll never wear these slippers again -- I've switched to wearing indoor shoes. The clothes were from when my mom was here and we went through my closets. Two large garbage bags full to Big Brothers Big Sisters.

I'll never wear these slippers again -- I've switched to wearing indoor shoes. The clothes were from when my mom was here and we went through my closets. Two large garbage bags full to Big Brothers Big Sisters.