Of course I have knitting needles
Thursday, November 26, 2009
In every size. Because if things come in sets or sizes, I seem to end up with all available sizes. Just like crochet hooks. I have hooks small enough to crochet sewing thread and large enough to crochet wide strips of material. And pencils. I have pencils 6H to 7B and everything in between. In the years when I was an avid knitter I ended up with needles of every size and of course some duplicates. So when my friend mentioned that her niece had recently taken up knitting and she wanted to buy some wool and needles for her, I offered part of my collection. I gave my friend two long pairs, two circular needles and four straight needles for knitting socks. Plus a handy dandy guide with holes in it to find out what diameter needles are if they aren't marked.