Party time
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Party tomorrow night. Part of the fun is the gift swap. Everyone brings an inexpensive, wrapped item, preferably something pre-owned that they don't want anymore. Classic white elephant. Numbers are randomly distributed. The person with number 1 chooses a gift and opens it in front of everyone. The person with number 2 can either choose another wrapped mystery item or steal the gift from the first person. And so on. Anytime a gift is stolen, the person who had it taken away them immediately picks another wrapped gift or steals from anyone else with a gift. There is always one very popular item that gets stolen many times before the game is over. Much bargaining and cajoling and attempts to attract theft for an unwanted item. It's always a lot of fun. I was given this candle holder and candle at a client's Christmas party in 1998. I'm thinking if I haven't burned the candle by now, I never will. This has been put away in the Christmas box every year, and every year I take it out thinking I'll use it. Bye bye. (Oh dear, I just realized I'll be coming home with something new tomorrow night.)

Someone invented this
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Somebody somewhere has a birthday today. Want some candles? The candle holder plays Happy Birthday. Breaking umpteen copyright laws I'm sure. We don't really celebrate birthdays in our house. And even when a cake does appear, I forget about these candles and which junk drawer they've been living in. Random flower is crocosmia.

Ban this candle
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Another candle holder. I actually was delusional enough to think I might one day take all the beads off the wires and make something else out of the beads. I’m sure it would have taken an hour to cut all the tiny wires, and then I would have had a small container full of beads hanging around for another few years. Best to ditch the whole thing. Random vegetation is from a conifer in May. No idea what kind, but loved the colours.

Boxed out
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Totally forgot to post yesterday. Here are two items. One is a box of stationery. Cheap stationery. I won it as a door prize. I was going to keep the box and put some lovely handmade paper over it but that would be another project wouldn’t it? The other is a little glass jar with a metal lid. Came with a vanilla scented candle, which I burned. Can’t think of what to put in it now that the candle is gone.

Burn bright my little lovebirds
Friday, February 13, 2009
These wee candles were party favours from a great party we went to a few years ago. Time to light them up. It’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow — I’ll put them on the table and we can drink a toast by candlelight.