Cassettes? Are you kidding?
Monday, February 22, 2010
Here are a few more odds and ends from around the house. Who knew we had so many extra phones? And I'm just getting started on getting rid of the cassette tapes. I still have a player and I suppose I will keep a few, but really, I should just buy replacement music on iTunes and ditch the tapes. Was never fond of rewinding or fast forwarding just to find a specific song. I often put a song on repeat and listen to it two or three times in a row. Hard to do that with a cassette. The book was a tough slog. Never did finish it, though I found the self-absorption of the author quite fascinating. If you ever want to read every single detail about someone's life, every thought and brain burp, this is for you.

Someone else can phone home
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I picked this up at a yard sale for $5 as a replacement phone, but even though it works, the display has a defect through the centre of the letters and numbers, making it too hard to read. Didn’t find out about that until the phone was charged up. I stuck it out in a box, marked it free, and it went a day later. At least I put a note on it warning about the display. Whoever took it had fair warning. Random flowers are peonies from my yard. The pale one is Sarah Bernhardt.