One, two, tree
Monday, December 21, 2009
Have decided that if my husband ever wants to whack a tennis ball back and forth with me he will need a good racquet. This one has a wooden handle and a much smaller racquet head than any new ones — it won't do. My in-laws very generously give us money at Christmas. This year we'll get that extra racquet, some new balls, and I'm going to finally get a proper pair of tennis shoes. Since starting lessons in July I've been wearing a pair I picked up at the Sally Ann. They are court shoes of some kind, but they don't have enough ankle support. I fell last week (flashback to falling and breaking my wrist during a lesson last October), so I need to do whatever I can to make sure I'm properly decked out. This year our tree has LED lights, so these extra bulbs and plug are useless to me. I so enjoyed decorating the tree this year. Here's part of it.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Happy Canada Day! I tried to get some work done, but I took a walk, played tennis, helped clean out the shed, had a long visit with Lucy and her mom and have been watching Wimbledon in between (recorded). At the moment I’m watching Haas close out his match against Djokovic. I’ve enjoyed watching Haas throughout the tournament. Ah well, there is still this evening to get some work done. Usually a stat holiday is the best time to catch up on projects. None of my clients phone or email me. In honour of Wimbledon, and because when I started taking tennis lessons I had to upgrade my racket, I am posting the ancient wooden one I used to hit a ball against the school wall with. It has gone to one of the teenage boys who live next door to Lucy’s mom. The fava beans are almost ready to pick and saute in some olive oil with fresh green onions (also from the garden), a bit of garlic, and a sprinkle of hot chilies.