August 2010
Goodbye 2002
Monday, August 23, 2010
2002 tax documents and receipts that is. I am trying to shred one old year every two weeks, to coincide with the recycling pickup. Each year fills the shredder receptacle almost to the top. And it's a tall receptacle. I still have years prior to 2002 to shred, but that was the year in the box at the front of the pile. It's very satisfying to feed the papers into the machine. Of course I take a quick glance at the documents before they go in and am reminded of who I phoned, what I bought, how much I earned — a brief trip back in memory to what was going on that year. But it's all bye bye now.

This plant might be 30 years old
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Or even older. I've had it for at least 20. And who knows how long the woman who gave it to me had it before she got rid of it. It has looked better, but ever since we moved here I haven't had a sunny indoor spot for it and it has suffered. I've got a couple of young jade plants on the go that don't take up quite as much room. This plant is going to a new home with Will and Curtis. Ditto for the mounted sunflower poster. I was going to paint over it as a practice board for acrylics, but it's big and heavy. I have enough canvasses to use up. Tashi — just because.

Tile it on
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Four tiles have gone to a friend of mine. She was over and saw them out on the cupboard. I have never used them in a project or even put felt on their bottoms and used them as coasters. They are handmade, handpainted, probably from Portugal, but I can't remember. Tashi is settling in. She and Barger get along the best so far, despite his being so much larger. She is teaching him how to play, something I don't think he ever did as a kitten. He has always been a bit stunned when it comes to play. He watches her antics as if she were a baby chimp and not one of his own kind.