I don't need to be this obvious
Saturday, October 24, 2009
My friend (AR) from California gave this t-shirt to me 7 years ago. I wore it a few times, but really, all I need to convey this message is the look in my eyes and the set of my mouth. On the other hand, the fridge is in dire need of cleaning out. We tend to leave things in there too long. The contents of glass jars may be past their expiry date, but as long as the lid is on, there's no smell. Until the jar is opened to put the contents into the compost, and rinse out the jars. The garlic chutney was particularly pungent. The dark lump in plastic wrap is tamarind. An ingredient I seldom use. But if a recipe calls for it, I have to buy a chunk that is bigger than I need. I've had it at least 3 years. That's not the oldest thing in my fridge though. I have a container of silica at least 15 years old, and husband has a piece of pulp (as in from the pulp and paper industry) that is at least 20 years old. He used to write manuals about such things. Wood pulp. A whole bag of it. In a drawer, in the fridge. About once a year we discuss turfing it, but it doesn't take up that much room.