Two from awhile ago
Monday, June 20, 2011
I gave both of these to a friend some time ago. Forgot to take photos. Just found the old email where she sent pictures she had taken. The reclining woman on the half shell originally came from her. I had it on my bookshelf for more than a year, but decided I had other objects I preferred to look at. I like to change up what is displayed. If I'm going to get rid of something that a friend or my mother gave me, I usually check with them first if they want it back. Since then, my friend has tired of it too, and it went to the Sally Ann. In fact, we were both out on a thrift store crawl of Brentwood Bay a few weeks ago, and there it was amongst the knick knacks for $3.99. The old medicine cabinet is one I have moved and carried around for more than 20 years, but have never hung up on the wall and used. It is solid and very heavy -- too heavy for me to want to deal with anymore. I am trying to limit my acquisitions to items I can pick up and carry by myself. This one is in the "barely" category. Plus, my husband hates it, so that's another good reason to say goodbye.

A lot of use out of this over the years
Thursday, September 02, 2010
This small white stand has been in the upstairs bathroom for 12 years. Magazines in the lower part, toiletries in the drawer. I found a small chest of drawers at the side of the road to replace it. Just to change the way things look. Tashi is growing. She was spayed yesterday. Poor thing has a green collar around her head for the next few days.

Sofa so good
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I’m happy. About six years ago we gave away the sofa bed that matches this sofa. When we decided we could also live without the sofa, we called up the relatives who had taken the sofa bed and asked if they wanted to complete their set. It’s taken some time to coordinate moving the thing, but today the sofa left the building. There is a huge space where it used to be. Which will take me about 10 minutes to fill — finally some space for the la-z-boy recliner that is really ugly but comfortable enough to sleep in. When I was sick with pneumonia, it was the only place I could get some decent rest. The la-z-boy has been crowded into the “library” for a couple of years now. Thanks to the cousins for coming to get the sofa today. Yes mom, that’s Curtis. At least 2 feet taller than when you last saw him.

Cut the lawn chairs
Monday, May 25, 2009
I love it when something I’ve put on the front lawn disappears in a day or two. Slap a “free” sign on it and eventually someone takes it away, although the white cabinet from May 18 is still sitting there, waiting for a new home. (It hasn’t been out there the whole time, we had bad weather for a few days). But these chairs, which need repair and new fabric, went in less than 36 hours. Another project I realized I will never get around to, even though I like the old wooden style. Ah well, I don’t have time to sit in the garden anyway. I’m either watering or weeding or picking flowers or taking the cats for supervised visits to the front and back yards. They walk around, eat lots of grass, throw up, roll on the pathway, sniff around for dog poop (bad neighbours!) and then we take them back inside for their next long nap. Random flower is an amaryllis that went dormant after its first bloom. I replanted it and for some reason it popped out flowers without sending up the usual long stem. I am curious to see if leaves are on the way. Stumpy.

Empty cabinet
Monday, May 18, 2009
This was up in my husband’s lab. He painted the inside black, put a bunch of holes in it, screwed some metal and plates into it and used it to house an experiment. (Don’t know the details — in his spare time he’s into quantum physics, he has a lab, he gets strange packages in the mail, he does experiments.) The experiment is over, he doesn’t need this anymore. And he’s willing to part with it. Normally I would have kept it out in the shed and used it for storage, but since we have to rebuild the shed, I’m trying to empty that out too. I put this cabinet out on the lawn today to see if anyone would take it, but then it started to pour, so I’ll try again on the next sunny afternoon. Random flower is a variegated aquilegia.

Organize this
Sunday, April 12, 2009
These pull-out wire drawers have been in storage. I think they were part of a closet organizing system that was in the house when we moved in, or they might have been on someone’s lawn as free stuff, which I have a hard time resisting (I’m getting better at it though). Either way, this unit is out on my lawn now, hoping that someone will find it useful and take it away. It’s been a day and a half so far though, and no nibbles.

Friends with pick-ups
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
At last! Something large has left the premises. My husband’s old desk, which he used for almost 20 years. He has now upgraded to an adjustable height desk so he can work standing up when he wants a break from sitting. The new one has an adjustable swivel arm for his monitor too. Normally we would have found somewhere else to put the old desk, but there really is no room left anywhere. Glad that a friend of mine took it away to give to her daughter’s boyfriend. The other photo is of a stir fry made entirely of fresh veggies from our garden: green onions, two varieties of kale, broccoli and swiss chard. From plants that toughed it out through the winter and are small but edible. Yummy.

Oldie but goodie
Friday, January 09, 2009
I’ve thought long and hard about giving this away this washstand. I do love it, and the cats love it too, taking turns sitting on it to look out the front window. It was given to me by a woman who lived to be 105. I began planning to let this go a few months ago after a friend admired it. We give each other lots of little presents and on occasion some bigger ones. It would have been out of here before Christmas and not even part of this record were it not for the horrendous winter weather that has prevented my friend from driving to town to pick it up. We’re aiming for a pickup tomorrow. In the meantime I’ve emptied the washstand of over 60 VHS tapes stored in the bottom and loads of odds and sods in the drawer. Have to figure out which tapes to get rid of. TV Nation anyone?